You didn't have to (Midorima Shintaro x Reader)

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Note: This is going to be a little dramatic plus sad so prepare the tissues!!!
  Life was taking good care of you pretty well and it became more sunny when you met that carrot during highschool. It wasn't love at first sight to begin with. You just happen to meet him by chance during a group project. Of course chatting was necessary but the way he talks and reacts made you interested in him more. You were starting to grow on him day after day.

Until such time, you confessed everything that you could say to him after class and he fell dead silent. "(Y/N)-san I'm not sure if I can make you happy" he said. You didn't know what to reply to that statement for a moment so you smiled and said, "It's your choice Midorima-kun. There's no need to rush."

It was a complicated confession that day but then you guys ended up being together as a couple a week after. Both of you would throw each other lots of 'I love you', hold hands after school, take on dates and kiss after he walks you home. Well, that's what you thought he would do. It was totally the complete opposite.

He wouldn't respond every time you told him 'I love you', never shared a first kiss or even show small actions of affection and never had a first date unless you count the lucky item shopping with Takao as a date. All he ever did was to walk you home without any conversation and buy you a lucky item with your zodiac sign.

Right now, you were waiting for him outside the gym. He was just going to have a quick change of clothes after all the basketball training. You saw him coming out with Takao by his side and greeted him. "Hello to you too (Y/N)-san" he adjusted his glasses. The atmosphere was really awkward as of this moment.

"Okay then. I'll just leave you two lovebirds alone. See you tomorrow Shin-chan! (Y/N)-chan!" Takao slowly made his exit and waved a goodbye. "Shall we go Midorima-kun?" You asked him and he lead the way. Yeah, I know. You still call him formally. As usual, the walk was dead silent and it was still making you uncomfortable. With that, you started thinking of things that were occupying your mind. The only thing that came out was HIM.

"Hahaha! He's just a tsundere (Y/N)-chan. Bare with him. He'll come around" you remembered Takao saying those words to you. You really waited for that megane to show some affection but he just treated you like a normal person. You were starting to think if you were even special to him. You waited for 2 years. 2 YEARS and yet nothing happened. It was starting to piss you off. Confused. Depressed.

"Tch ..." You said as quietly as possible but then he heard you. "Is there something the matter? Not like I care or anything" He asked, not even bothering to face you. You stopped your tracks and he did too. He turned to face you and saw your depressed look.
"Midorima-kun ... Did I do something wrong?" You asked, string at your shoes.

"What do you mean nodayo?"

"I don't feel like we're couples. It feels like we're strangers"

"N-nothing is wrong nanodayo. Did I do something wrong to you? Not like I'm concerned about you" he questioned, still being the tsundere he is. You smirked, "I don't know. Maybe because you're a stupid tsundere who can't even at least show a little affection?" You barked.

"What do you think I'm doing now nodayo? I'm walking you home"

"Oho is that all? Is that your definition of 'affection?' Hate to break it to you that it's not affection at all. When was the last time we kiss? Hug? Hold hands? Or at least talk to each other not because of some stupid school work?"


"You can't even answer. That's because none of those things ever happened. Now let me ask you, am I even SPECIAL to you?"


His blank response made you want to tear up but you had stay strong through out the whole conversation. "I told you I couldn't make you happy" he spoke. That's the time your bubble burst. You made an intense eye contact with him and placed an index finger on his chest.


"Keep your voice down. You're making a scene" he tried to calm you down but doing that now would not work on you. "WELL LET THEM SEE! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! I'M NOT HAPPY!" You started to cry but still managed to scream.

"I am tryi--"

"YOU were trying? Give me a break! I don't think you're trying at all! If you can't control that stupid tsundere side of yours and can't make me happy then we're done. I'm tired of waiting for 2 years and I'm not planning of waiting for another round" you started to laughed hysterically as you wiped a bit of your tears. You passed by him at a quick pace and expected him to not even try to stop you. He's a tsundere after all. Everyone knows that.

What you didn't expect him to do was that he followed you from behind. "Why are you still following me?" You asked him in a rude manner. "I'm walking you home" he responded. This situation continued until you reached the gate of your house.

"See? I'm home now. You can leave and don't expect another 'walking you home day' ever starting tomorrow" you opened the lock of your gate and pushed it lightly. "I-i really love you (Y/N)-san. Not like I --I mean, I do care about you" his statement made you freeze for a moment.

"You didn't have to" you then made your exit and entered your home without looking back.

Yassss! Finally done! Now off to bed! Leave any comments and/ or requests.

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