I'm Not A Kid (Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader)

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Murasakibara's POV
Jaaah~ you read that title right. I am not a kid. It annoys me the most when people think of me that way. It makes me want to crush them but Muro-chin was always there to back me up.

There was this one certain person who always thought of me that way. She's (F/N) (L/N). My senpai. She's one year older than me but she acts more childish than me. She only does that on her free time though.

She would pretend that she would whisper something in my ear so I had to bend down. She's not that short. Probably a few inches taller than Aka-chin. Instead of a whisper, she would pat my head and it really annoyed me. She knows I feel that way but still does it anyway. Now I know how Kuro-chin feels if I'm under his shoes.

However, little by little, I feel so attached to (Y-N)-chin. She allowed me to call her that because she liked it. Aside from her giving me snacks, I actually noticed that she was beautiful. Not that I'll tell her though. I have a feeling she only sees me as ahh ... A brother? That's what senpais think of their kouhais right? (Not all of them)

"Atsushi ..."


Today, Muro-chin and I were walking around the school garden. The next class encounter would be the last after this and I haven't seen (Y/N)-chin for the whole day.

"I'll be heading back to our classroom. If you're still searching for senpai, she's just in her classroom near by the window" Muro-chin smiled while waving a goodbye.

"Hah~? But I didn't ask that"

"You're face is an open book Atsushi. Also, you haven't asked me for any snacks when you ran out from those two large paper bags of yours" he responded without even turning around to look at me. Since he told me that, I scanned through the windows and found her sitting on her desk. Beautiful as always.

I waved my hand for her to notice me. 'Senpai! Notice me!' [haha! I had to! XD]

Unfortunately, she didn't notice me since she was chatting with some random boy that makes me want to crush him. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and started texting her while I was pouting.

She received the message and started looking out the window. She saw me then I immediately looked away. Moments later, my eyes went back to hers and she was texting back. It says:

Name: (Y/N)-chin
Subject: It's fine with me

Whatever makes you happy, I'm happy too. Thanks for being my friend. Goodbye :)

Her response was unexpected and I couldn't help but yell her name. "(Y/N)-chin!!!"

I saw her jolt by surprise and stuck her head out the window.

"T-the only one I love is (Y/N)-chin! It's impossible for someone to replace you!" I shouted. I didn't care if the people could hear it as long as (Y/N)-chin is there. "(Y/N)-chiiiin!!!" I started crying and she sort of panicked.

"Murasakibara! Calm down! I was just kidding ... I love you too!" She shouted back. I guess I am a bit of kid.

(Murasakibara's message)
Name: Murasakibara
Subject: Look at your window

If you're tired of being with me just say so. I'll find someone else with Muro-chin.

Okie ... I got this idea from my cousin. I asked her if the plot was originally made by her but she didn't answer. I guess it wasn't so whoever owns the plot, I'm really sorry ... Eheh.

KNB Oneshot (Various x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin