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The rest of the day was not easy. We went on doing scenes as normal but in between I wouldn't say a word. I just very quickly went into my dressing room and locked the door. Jace kept on trying to talk to me but I wouldn't let him. I can't face him. I mean I already knew that I wasn't pretty and I'd heard those kind of things before.... From the fans.... My family.... Hell I've even said it to myself but from hearing it from Jace... It's just..... Different. Right now I'm in my dressing room just thinking.... If I died.... Would people care? The fans hate me... My family treat me like crap.... Even Jace thinks that I'm ugly.... My thoughts are cut off by a knock on the door.

Ella: Riele we need you to come out. It's time to film again

I let out a small sigh and open the door. Ella looks at me worried but I ignore it. I walked onto the living room set.


I walk into the 'living room' with a big fake smile plastered onto my face. Of course they don't know that.

Riele: Hey Henry

Jace: Hello.... Charlotte...

Riele: Ok something's wrong

Jace: Wha-? How could you tell?

Riele: I'm your best friend Henry of course I'll know when something is wrong

What sucks is that's true Jace has always been my best friend. If there's ever been a time where I've been feeling overwhelmed and I just need to talk to someone Jace was that someone. I trusted him with almost all of my secrets. We would do anything for eachother no matter how ridiculous. There was this time when I wanted a hug but of course my parents wouldn't give me one so I texted Jace saying that I wanted a hug and then 5 minutes later he climbed through my window and gave me a big hug. I can read him like a book and that's the problem. I'm always gonna know if something's wrong and I'm always gonna care even though I shouldn't.

Jace: So.... The thing is...... Ummmm... Do you remember when I had to follow the 3ft rule with Chloe

Charlotte: Yeah?

I said confused as I plopped onto the sofa.

Jace: Well now.... She making me follow the 3ft rule with............ You...

I look at him shocked as he laughs nervously

Jace: Crazy right?

He says more nervous then before.

Riele: Yeah.... You obviously said that to wouldn't do that right?

For whatever reason my voice becomes more shaky and nervous.

Riele: Right???

I raise my voice slightly.

Jace: Uhhhhhh....... No....

Riele: WHAT?! So you threw away our friendship! Just like that that!

Jace stayed silent and looked at the floor.... It feels so real as if we're not acting....

Riele: Wow.... Well at least I know how much I mean to you....

I got up and instantly ran towards the door.

Jace: *yells* Charlotte wait!

I turn around with tears in my eyes, wait what? I shouldn't be crying that's not even in the script!

Riele: What?!

Jace: Understand this, please! This isn't easy for me either! She's my girlfriend what am I meant to do?!

He yelled tears forming in both our eyes. I really don't know what happened but for whatever reason I stopped acting. I started yelling at the top of my lungs.

Riele: Yeah well I'm your best friend! We have been friends for as long as I can remember! You mean more to me then anyone in the world! I thought that our friendship was strong and that no one could ever come between us! The minute a pretty girl comes along you turn into a puppy! Just doing whatever your told! Being completely blind!

I take a pause as I look away and blink back my tears. I've never cried in my life and I'm sure as hell not gonna start now.

Riele: I thought this friendship meant something to you.... But I was wrong...

I ran out of the 'living room' and paused. What do I do? Everyone's gonna ask me about that out burst. And Jace..... Oh no....

By now everyone was just going with the flow. The camera turned to me waiting for my reaction. I ran again fighting back my tears.

Why is my life such a mess? I don't understand what I've done to anyone! Almost all of the fans are against me! My family is constantly putting me down and saying that Reiya is better than me.... I know I'm not good enough but to constantly be reminded by the people around me.... Well it's painful

We did more scenes. People tried to talk to me. I didn't talk to them. Jace tried to talk to me. I didn't talk to him. Henry broke up with Bianca at the end of the episode and it ended with me hugging Jace. I admit I love his warm hugs..... But it doesn't matter......

Henry may have chosen Charlotte over Bianca but Jace chose Maeve over me...

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