What happens next?

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Right now I'm watching my parents get taken away.

"WE'LL COME BACK FOR YOU!" My mum screamed as they sat her in the car.

I simply turned around and cried into Jace's chest. I know they hurt. I'll never forget that they've hurt me and I will never forget how they hurt me as well. Still... It hurts to see them be taken away.

"Everything will be ok" Jace cooed stroking my hair.

"No it won't." I mumbled into his chest.

"Yes it will."

"Jace... I'm homeless and so is Reiya"

"Wait Reiya... Where was she?" Jace asked.

"Some friends invited her to go to some fancy dinner. So... Reiya is with her friends..." I sighed hiding an eye roll. I love my sister more than anything but she's never there except for that time when they gave me a blade.

"She didn't know what they were doing" He defended her because he knows how much I look up to my big sister. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him.

"I don't even blame her... She's just escaping from them" I said sadly.

"I love you Riele"

"I know. I love you too." I said giving a weak smile.

I'm really nervous on the inside. I don't know where I'm gonna go now. I can't live in that house anymore. I don't want to go to foster care. I wanna live close to Jace. I don't want to leave Jace. I can not leave Jace.

"Hey Riele?"


"Why don't you live with me?"

"Really your parents would let me?"

"Of course they would. They love you. Almost as much as I do"

"Awwwwww Jace" I gushed.

"Come on little girl. Time to go" an officer called.

"Um... Officer? Would I be allowed to live this boy?" I asked pointing to Jace.

"I'm sorry but your parents have insisted that we take you to foster care"

"What?! Why?!"

"They said that if anything were to happen causing them to not be able to live with you then they'd want another family for you"

"B-but I d-don't want to g-go into any f-foster care" I stuttered feeling scared.

"I know but since your parents have already planned where your going to go then we have to take you there.

I turned around and stared at Jace for a few seconds. I quickly ran over to him and jumped wrapping my arms his neck giving him a massive hug. He hugged back kind of holding me up.

"Jace please don't let them take me" I whispered not wanting to ever let him go.

"Riele.... You have to" he sighed as put me back on the ground.

"But I don't want to go!" I cried as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"I know and I don't want you to go either you need to do what the police tell you to do" he said sadly.

"At least tell be you'll visit me" I said hoping that he'll say yes

"Of course I'll come visit you"

I nodded as I continued to cry.

"Hey don't cry Ri. I'm sure you will find a great family" Jace said softly.

"Who am I going to?" I asked sadly.

"Well that hasn't been specified yet so until someone decides to foster you we're taking you to an orphanage." He explained.

"Oh..." the sad not once dropping from my voice.

"Now let's go"

I looked at Jace as he nodded sadly. I sighed before giving him a quick kiss.
"I know we've already said this but I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" he whispered back.

"And you promise you'll visit me?" I asked.

"Of course"

"Ok..." I turned around.

"I'm ready officer"

"Great. We'll get your stuff later" The officer said as we began to walk to the car.

We got in the car and started driving. I instantly started waving to Jace. I watched as he got smaller... And smaller.... And smaller...
Another chapter done!
What should happen next???
Another tiny competition!
If anyone can guess my birthday where Riele will live!
(Hint it's September😉)

Fake Smiles (Jaele)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt