I knew it

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The next day
The voice is getting stronger by the minute. It's really scaring me... I try and try and try but I can't ignore it. I know I can fight I just need to figure out how...

'No no... that's not how this works...'

Then how does it work?

'You can't fight me.... I will grow as the days go by. I will only become stronger and louder. You can't ignore me.'

Yes I can!

'Awwww... How cute... Little Riele thinks she can get rid of me... Not gonna happen'

Why?! Why are you even here?!

'I'm here to destroy you. You need to die. You're not needed here. Your nothing but a pathetic drama queen.'

No I'm not!

'Yes you are. You create drama so that people will pay attention to you.'

I already get more attention than I want! Why would I want more?!

'Because you think these people will give you a purpose in a life. A reason to live. They won't though. You are not needed. You are not wanted. You are nothing'

I... I....

'Tongue tied Riele? Come on.... You can't fight the truth forever....'

I am not nothing...

'Really? I have to disagree. If you were actually something then Jace wouldn't actually have to make a decision between you and Maeve. You should have been enough to make him forget about her but you weren't. What do you have to say to that?'


'Exactly Riele. Come on.... Cut the time and pick up the blade. Make life a lot easier and end it. You know you want to....'

No! I will never give in to you!

'You will...'

I won't! Get out of my head!

'I will... For now...'


'Just one thing....'

Ugh! What?!

'Go for a walk... Maybe Jace and Maeve are on there date... Who knows...."

I think I will go for a walk. But not because you told me to. I'm going because I need to get fresh air and clear my head.

I grab my diary and walk out of my room. As I step out from my home I feel a burst of cold air hit my face. It feels nice to get fresh air and not be trapped. I begin to walk to my favourite place in the world. No not Papa Frankie. The park. It's probably one of the most peaceful places I know. I don't even do a lot. I sit on a bench and watch. Not in a creepy way. I just like to be am observer. I just like to pay attention to the little detail because,at the end of the day,  that's all I want people to do with me. It's amazing what you see when you actually pay attention.

I walk into the park and walk over to the bench. Once I sit down I open my diary on my lap and look around ready to write down my observations. I don't see anything that interesting so I look to the sky. I actually notice something. The only thing I could see were clouds. It made me wonder about a few things. Suddenly an idea pops into my head and I instantly sketch something into my book.

I sketch the clouds starting from the corners of the page. I make sure they over lap slightly then shade them. Right in the middle of the page I write something. I write: show me where the sun is

 I write: show me where the sun is

Hoppsan! Denna bild följer inte våra riktliner för innehåll. Försök att ta bort den eller ladda upp en annan bild för att fortsätta.

I stare at it for a while. I wish the sun would break out from the clouds and provide me with some light. That way my life won't be entirely dark.

I look around again to see if there is anything I've missed. I saw something.  It is two people in the distance but i can't quite figure out what they're doing. I wonder why I didn't see it before?

Curiosity takes over me as I move closer to see what it is that the people are doing.

I get closer

And closer

And closer

Then I stop

It was Jace and Maeve


I knew it
What did you think????
Follow me on Instagram @shohini_banerji

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