Another Sneak Peek

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Ok so I've made another Chenry story! Please read it! I'm gonna show you the first chapter!

Charlotte's POV
"Did you here Henry's got another girlfriend?" My best friend Gracie asked me as we walked to school.

"Another one? What's the slut's name this time?" I asked with a small giggle. Henry is the player of our school.

"Um... Anna Watson I think"

"Really Anna? I thought she was a good girl"

"Yeah I know. I guess Henry changed her" She said with a shrug.

"Henry Hart changes the world... Just not for the better..." I said with a sigh.
"You know Charlotte... Call me crazy but I think that you two would make a cute couple"

After hearing that I couldn't contain my laughter. I burst out laughing up to the point where I couldn't even breathe.

"That's funny! Me and Henry? A couple? NEVER!" I said between laughs.

"Um Char? I was being serious?" She said awkwardly.

"Wait seriously?" I asked as she nodded.

"Gracie you know I don't like him and you also know exactly why?" She sighed.

"Yeah I guess... It's still hard to believe you used to be best friends with Henry."

"Yeah. USED TO. As in not anymore."

"Why did you guys fall out again?"

"Gracie you know I don't like talking about that" I said looking. Memories were already starting to come back.

"Sorry Char..."

"It's fine can we just drop it now? The past is the past"


"So anyways... How long do you think this will last?"

"Dude! I told you to drop it!" I said glaring at her.

"I did drop it! I dropped the past and brought up the present instead" She defended herself putting up her hands.

"Ugh! I hate it when your right"

"I'm just that good... But seriously answer the question!"

"Well this is Henry we're talking about... So I'd say... Up until lunch maybe."

Henry can never keep a girl. He's dated almost every girl in our year. Except for me and Gracie of course. I'm smart enough to know NEVER fall into his trap. I was smart enough

"I feel bad for his next victim."

"Same. Do you think she'll cry or slap?"

"I'm hoping slap. Those are the most entertaining break ups." I said smirking.

Ok that sounds mean but it's true. The break ups are always public. When the girls slap it's funny. What? He gets what he deserves.😁

"Well at least we know we won't be the next victims"

"True" Gracie said agreeing with me.

Boy was I wrong.

Please go read it!
It's called Bet (Chenry)

Fake Smiles (Jaele)Where stories live. Discover now