ANOTHER Sneak Peek

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Ok so I've just written a chapter for ANOTHER story.
Charlotte- Sassy and confident

Henry- Egotistical player

Jasper- Socially awkward bucketeer

Chloe- Quirky actress

These 4 could not be more different. What happens when these 4 all get shipped off to the same summer camp? Will they're darker sides be revealed? Will it be friendship or rivalry? Will any feeling develop? (Chenry and Jasper X Chloe)
Charlotte's POV
"Guys this isn't going to work" I said quietly breaking the silence that had been there for almost an hour. We've been stuck in our cabin for what seems to be forever in my eyes.

"No no no. Just give it more time. This HAS to work" Henry said running his hands through his hair.

"I don't understand why you're trying to get the group back Henry. YOU'RE the one who messed everything up in the first place" Chloe told him harshly.

"I know I messed up. I made a mistake and I'm trying to fix it."

"A little late Henry..." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"Come on guys give him a chance to speak" Jasper defended Henry.

"Thank you Jasper." Henry thanked him.

"Look what I did was wrong. I was blinded by popularity and gave up the best friends I've ever had as well as the girl who I love more than anything." He said looking at me.

Don't fall for it Charlotte. He's hurt you once. He'll hurt you again. Henry Hart doesn't care about anyone but himself. That's never gonna change.

"Bull" I stated coldly my voice getting louder.


"I said BULL" Now I was yelling.

I can't help it. Now I'm annoyed. How dare he pretend to care. Yes I know that's mean to think that but if he REALLY cared he wouldn't have done... What he did.

"Don't come in here and say that you care because I know you don't. People that care about each other stick with each other through everything and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. They protect each other and yes you did protect me but that was only until something else came along then suddenly we don't seem to exist anymore!" I got out of my bunk and walked towards him. By this point I was crying my eyes out. It hurts.

"Charlotte I'm sorry! I made a mistake! People make mistakes!"

"But you're mistake cost us everything! Our friendship, our reputation everything!!!" Chloe yelled joining in the argument.

"Listen to me! We need each other! I know you guys. The good sides of you and the bad ones to. Chloe you're a quirky actress on the outside but on the inside you're scared to make a wrong move because people will judge you!" Henry pointed at Chloe making her quiet.

"Jasper! You're one of the kindest people I've met and on the outside you're this innocent bucketeer who's I'll admit kinda socially awkward but everyone still loves you. On the inside you're always anxious that you're gonna say the wrong thing and people won't like you anymore." Jasper looked down as Henry pointed this out.

"Charlotte! I feel like I know you better than anyone. You're trying to be this confident and sassy girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind but really you're broken. You're insecure about everything. Everything you do is to cover that side of you so people won't think you're weak! You're always the person that your friends come to when they have a problem yet you never want to talk when you have a problem. You're broken. That's ok."

Ok who the hell does he think he is talking that shit about me?!

"Me? On the outside people see me as this player that's totally full of himself. What they don't see is that I'm just a regular guy who got his heart broken and doesn't want that to happen again. Nobody understood my past until I met you guys. I finally found people who understand me and I don't want to lose them!" He said tearing up.

"We do understand each other..." Jasper piped up playing with his fingers.

"Well if he didn't want to lose us then maybe he shouldn't have-" Chloe began but got cut off by Jasper.

"I know what he did to us was wrong but he's sorry! Don't you believe in second  chances?" Jasper asked making her shut up.

This is pointless. We're not getting anywhere. In fact we might be getting worse. Time to put an end to this.

"Let's just face it you guys. I'm not the only thing that's broken, the group is to. I don't think we can fix it and even if we could... Why fix something that's better off broken?"

"Agree!" Chloe said jumping off the bunk.

"No guys don't go!" Henry begged us. I simply crossed my arms and glared.

"Jasper?" Henry asked desparately.

"Sorry Hen..." Jasper said awkwardly.

"Ugh don't you guys get it?! Like it or not we're the misfits of the camp. If we survive the rest of this summer we need to stick together!"
What do you think???
Should I make it???
I might wait a little bit before publishing since I've already got a lot of stories!

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