Everything's perfect.. Just Give It A Minute

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The next day
I walked into set with a half smile... I know I should be over the moon but I can't help but feel.... Different... And getting... Thoughts.

So maybe it's true my luck is turning around but that doesn't matter when it comes to depression. You can come from a good family with parents that are still together, you can live in a nice area and not have school problems and still be depressed. Cause that's just it. It doesn't matter what kind of life you live or who you are. You can still get depression. It's just there. It's a feeling and it's a feeling that's hard to get rid of. The worst part is that if you do have a good life people think that the person is 'just creating problems for themselves' and it bugs me because they don't know what's happening yet somehow they think that they have to judge the person! Ultimately depression traces back to you. If you're not confident with yourself and you listen to other people then it's more likely you'll start to look at yourself in dark lights. That's why I'm depressed... It's because when I look in a mirror I see myself in a dark light. I can't see anything good about myself...It's because my mind has been corrupted by the haters....And sadly.... My parents....

Oh my gosh.... I'm so sorry! I completely wandered off. It's just... Depression is a very sensitive topic for me and when I start to talk about it.... Everything just comes out... I'll try to control that from now on...

All of a sudden two hands covered my eyes. Oh I know who it is... Jace... That's good.... He always knows how to cheer me up....I think I'll tease him a little.... 😊

Jace: Guess who

Riele: Hmm.... I'm not sure give me a hint...

Jace: Okay.... He's the hottest guy in the world

Oh Jace! I can picture that smirk right now! Well.... I guess I could have some fun with this.... 😏😏😏

Riele: Um.... Is it.... Justin Bieber?

Jace: No....

Riele: Jack Griffo?

Jace: No.

Riele: Oh I got it! Braeden is that you?
He takes his hands off my eyes and spins me around. He has a jealous look on his face.

Jace: Okay I am DEFINITELY hotter than BRAEDEN!

Riele: *giggles* Relax Jace... I knew it was you... And yes you're hotter than Braeden...

Jace: Good!

Riele: You were jealous

I teased him in a sing song voice.

Jace: Shut up I was not!

Awwww... He's cute when he's defensive!

Riele: You were.... You loooooooooove me

He then looked at me with smirk. Gosh... What is it with this boy and smirking?

Jace: Well I do love you.... I mean you are my girlfriend after all....

After that he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I arms around his neck as I smiled into the kiss. There were like 1000 butterflies in my stomach. Ugh! What is this boy doing to me?

As we pulled away I realised I was bright red. Jace chuckled

Jace: So... What are you doing here? I thought you'd be in your dressing room by now

I looked around I realised I was still in the same spot I was in when I started talking about depression.

Riele: Um.... I accidentally spaced out while I was thinking about something...

Fake Smiles (Jaele)Where stories live. Discover now