Shattered and Broken: Chapter 16: Decisions

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Two weeks later.

Things have taken a strange turn in the last couple of weeks. Gabby rarely speaks, Chris doesn't come out of the guest room, and Erynn has been nice. That may be the strangest.
Aside from that and the unexplained tension, I feel like someone is watching me.

"We're done" The photographer announced as I walked off set. I quickly got dressed and walked to my car.

On my way home I saw the exit sign that listed the nearest hospitals and my mind drifted to Nicole. Maybe I should go see her.
Before I could really think about it I was already off the express way.


I had no issues getting up to her room since I knew the receptionist. I slowly pushed the door open.

My face and mood was neutral but I knew things were going to take a turn for the worst. My hand was still on the door when her head turned and her face fell. I frowned shortly after at the the look of fear.

"Hi.." I spoke quietly and she flinched.
What the hell is wrong with her?

She was shaking and nearly drowning in years while she spoke. I sat down in the chair beside her. "I-I-I'm so sorry. I swear I am." She cried out.

I raised an eyebrow and tried to wait for her to calm down but I didn't see that happening soon. So I asked. "What are you talking about?"

She began to ramble as she cried. I couldn't understand but one name did stick out. I held my hand up. "Who did you say?"

She sniffled and sighed." Alex." The little bit a sympathy I had turned into surprise which boiled into anger. My heart beat went three times faster. I could feel it thumping against my ribcage. I heard my dad's voice in my head and I calmed down enough to listen as she tried to justify that.

"He was nice and he didn't yell at me. He was perfect at first. He bought me anything I asked for."

My foot tapped against the floor.

"He was so sweet like he forgot about everything. He treated me like I was the only one that mattered. He said he would take care of me."

My foot tapped harder and my breathing became shallow.

"He said he was in love with me. He told me that I'm not just another shadow."

I looked up at her just as another round of tears filled her eyes.

"I love him." Nicole looked up at me and the dam broke. I really dont feel sorry anymore. I thought I judged her too quickly but apparently not. I dont understand why I ignored that nagging feeling about her.

"Is he the reason why you're here now?" She nodded and before I could control it my hand went across her face. I smacked the shit out of her badly bruised and swollen face and I honestly don't care.

Was it the right thing to do? No, it was wrong. It was very wrong and out of character but it's done. And I'm not sorry about it.

Before I could say anything the lady on the otherside of the curtain spoke. The curtain was pulled back and she glared at me. She had to be in her early seventies. "How dare you hit that poor girl. I'm calling the nurse!" She cut her eyes at me and moved to get her call remote.

Something went off in my head and it took me to a very dark place. "I swear if you touch that button you will be dead bfore they get here." They both stared at me Wide-eyed. "With that sit the fuck down and shut up." The lady complied and I stared to make sure she got the point. My eyes shifted to Nicole.

I slow chuckle fell from my lips and I started to relive some bad memories. I slouched in my chair as Erynn would do and stared at Nicole.

"You've done a lot of stupid shit but I don't think you've ever fucked up this bad before. And that says a lot. You're laying in the hospital a blink away from death and you have the nerve to defend the motherfucker who did this. And I'm suppose to feel sorry? You dug your own grave." I stood up and rocked back on my heels.

"He murdered my mom and my sister. Did you really think he was going to give a fuck about you. Like he was going to instantly change after that. You can't come back from that! You let your goddamn drug addiction get you fucked over again." I squated down in effort to not put my hands on her again.

"You knew damn well he didn't give a fuck about you in the first place. He used you,that's what he does." She wiped at her face. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" I asked and I felt my eye twitching. "Because of your fucked up decisions we're all in danger! He won't stop until he finds me! Do you not understand that?!? We're fucked!" I yelled down at her. The waterworks started again and I was fuming.

"Why the fuck are you crying?! It's over." I could feel something heavy weighing on my chest. My breathing was erratic and I couldn't hear over my heartbeat.

I glanced at her before I turned around and went home.

I recklessly turned an hour drive home into one that only took twenty minutes. I'm out of my element and I need to find peace soon.

I tossed my shoes into the living room and made my way into the kitchen. Chris stood near the refrigerator staring down at a cup of pudding. I stared at him longer than I intended to and didn't hear him speak the first time. He waved his hand slightly with a smile. "Hey."

I sighed. "Hi." Honestly I dont feel like talking. I don't want to take my anger out of anyone.

Chris had a glum look when I glanced at him. It spoke volumes actually. He was sobering up and couldn't help that he would look kinda shitty. I could tell that he was lonely. He lost contact with everyone and everything. I would spend all day with him if I didn't have school and a job. If it was me I'd be depressed about it too.

I felt a bit bad. I can't fix my situation but I could at least help his. "Are you okay?" I stepped closer because I was worried. His hand were shaking and he didn't look focused.

My hand touched his and he jumped back. I furrowed my eyebrows and he looked down. "Sorry, I-" Chris sighed and leaned in for what I thought was a hug but turned out to be a kiss.

I can't say that it was ordinary. It felt emotionally connected to him. I kissed back and the tension left his body. When he lifted me onto the counter it didn't occur to me what was happening. The moment was perfect but once his hands left from under my shirt and touched my pants things took a turn from there. I froze and Chris looked up at me. "I don't want to do this." He stepped back with a strange look on his face. He was confused but his breathing was uneven so he looked mad. I honestly wouldn't give a damn if he was.

"This is the fourth time." I sighed knowingly.

"Things moved too fast." Chris shook his head. "That's not that only problem Kendall." He leaned against the opposite counter.

It was the fourth time that I've pushed him away in moments like this. I have my reasons but they wouldn't make sense without the facts that go along with them. I couldn't make up a good enough excuse so I thought about the obvious reason.

"I'm a virgin." I shrugged a little and he stared at me.
Just stared.

Hayloooo! It's been like 11 months smh. It's just so much to edit with these older chapters. Butttt I'm back .-.

Short chapter I know, But I'm updating soon.

Any questions or anything let me know!

Happy Christmas and whatever holidays you celebrate!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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Shattered and Broken- C.BrownWhere stories live. Discover now