Shattered and Broken:Chapter 12: Nightmares

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"Time to go Kenny!" I sighed and walked down the stairs. Today just seems off, I don't know why but it does.

The odd feeling followed me to the kitchen where my mom stood up making coffee. "I signed your report card and it's in your book bag,left side." I nodded and she kissed me goodbye. "Erynn has taken her medicine and she's waiting on the porch

Erynn and I walked down the street to our older sister Aaliyah. She smirked at us and we groaned.

"Erynn!" She exclaimed in a sing songy voice. "What's the rule for today?"

Erynn looked Aaliyah up and down and walked off. She was four houses away when she finally responded to Aaliyah who repeatedly called her back. She looked at me before we glared at Aaliyah. "Be good." Aaliyah smiled. "Good." We walked away from her and I tried to calm Erynn down. She's only nine but her anger issues tend to cloud her judgement. One moment she's calm but as soon as someone steps out of line she's in rhino mode. I know for a fact from the way she fights that she could kill if she wanted. I just hope I won't be in the line of fire.

Aaliyah on the other hand is just so ugh. She's fifteen and thinks she's the boss. Erynn and I can't do anything with her around. We do things to annoy her on purpose but we always get in trouble because she tells mom. Ugh.

We walked into the building and went our separate ways. All three of us attend the same high school. Me,Erynn and surprisingly Aaliyah skipped a couple of grades. I waited until Erynn was in the junior high building. My class was starting so I ran to my seat next to Nicole's sister Ari.



One word to explain it all. I draw on in my batman notebook while we were assigned notes. "We have exams next week tha-"

"Pardon this interruption.  Aaliyah Lucas,Erynn Lucas and Kendall Lucas please report to main office. The odd feeling was back.

"Hey girls" Alex was unusually cheerful. We gave a nod and followed him out the school.


I can't remember the last time I was so nauseous. My stomach churned and twisted as we made our way into the house. Everything was just off.

Erynn looked at me obviously noticing the feeling too and ran to look for mom. I went to the bathroom while Aaliyah stood in the living room with Alex. I started drying my hands when the ear piercing scream echoed through the house. Is that Aaliyah?  I immediately ran out and ran into Erynn. She was covered in blood but didn't look injured. Her face was paler than usual and the look in her eyes frightened me. "What happened?" I questioned softly but she didn't say anything. She silently turned toward the kitchen where I spotted a body covered in blood. Slowly I approached it and dropped to my knees. My fingers lightly skimmed across the cheek of the one person I thought would save me.

My mommy.

She was almost unrecognizable. Her throat was slashed and her face was bashed in and swollen. Clumps of hair appeared to have been pulled out. Not the mom I saw this morning.

I broke down in tears,tightly clutching my mom like she did me when I was upset. Despite soaking myself in her blood I laid with her. I searched for the warm that her cold body once had. There was no sign of life in her or the room. I buried my face in her blood soaked shirt and hoped to drown in my tears. If only for a moment to numb the pain that I'll be burdened with for the rest of eternity.

Shattered and Broken- C.BrownWhere stories live. Discover now