Shattered and Broken:Chapter 1:What the Fuck?

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A/N:Kendall is on the Right.


I struggled to calm down my cough as I listen to one of my best friends Nicole talk on the phone. Since I've been sick all week she's telling me what I missed. She has been sick too so our friend Gabrielle told her the information to tell me.The phone was on speaker making her already too loud voice loud even louder if that's possible. While listening to her go over her notes from our professor I stirred sugar in to my tea. "I'm so tired of that bitch." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the immaturity of our old professor. She has a problem with "modern day teaching" and wants us to learn like she did. Nicole got quiet for a few seconds making me think she hung up. With a paper towel I'm my hand I gently held my foam cup of tea to my lips. "When are you going back to school?" "Ah Shit!" Her voice startled me and I dropped my cup on the floor. Most of the boiling hot yeah splashed on my right hand. After about two minutes of yelling about my yeah I hung up and stomped to the door. I slipped on my converse and I walked two blocks to the store.

While in the chip section I heard gunshots and a car speeding away. Quickly I paid for my chips and tea and started walking home. The house I have in the city is in a rough neighborhood. My 'parents' moved us here around the time I was 13,the area was great back then. Slowly people just stopped caring and the neighborhood started to look like shit.Gunshots are often heard around here so they don't really phase me. I walked across the park and through the alley to avoid the sinister people lurking on the street. I was turning to unlock the gate behind my house when I heard what sounded like muffled breathing. Out of curiosity I turned to see a guy behind me sitting in a puddle of blood. What the fuck?


The pain from the bullet was too much to bare. It literally ripped through my flesh and buried itself in my in my arm. All the pain made me weaker and I passed out. 

The loud screaming instantly woke me up ,I opened my eyes slightly to see that a black figure was hovering over me. It should have been obvious that I didn't have any energy to lift my head up but I guess not. Blood was still leaking out of me and my body was really tense. Groaning became a second language because I couldn't even speak without the pain interfering. I assume that she took the hint and leaned down so that we were eye to eye. "Are you okay?" Her concerned voice asked and I groan in response. The girl became blurry almost like she was fading away. I could feel myself drifting away but I wanted to hold on for just a little bit longer. "The ambulance is on it's way." I was so dazed that if I hadn't been paying attention I wouldn't have heard her say that. With a slight nod my surroundings became white and something with in me knew that my fight was over. 


I wasn't even sure if he was alive until I saw him nod. His eyes closed and I focused on him more, I couldn't really tell what it was but he looked familiar. I yawned and stood up to lean on the still locked gate. The wait was too long for the ambulance but I stepped back when the EMTs approached us. Once he was on the stretcher I turned away and was ready to crawl in my bed."Miss?" A short Caucasian male called back outside of the gate. I was too sleepy to function while I was absent mindedly nodding to whatever the gut was saying. Honestly I can't even remember what else happened but I'm sitting in an ambulance on my way to the nearest hospital. The dude asked me a lot of questions that I couldn't answer about the guy I found.  After a long ride the rushed old boy in to the E.R and I sat in  the waiting room. I heard someone yell about a 21 year old male shot, overdose, critical condition.


I ate my chips and bought coffee as I stared blankly st the wall in front if me in the empty waiting room. Hours had passed and I started to fall asleep. The nurse asked was a here for Mr.Somebody I was exhausted and I didn't really care who it was, I just wanted to go to sleep. She told me the dude woke up and wanted to see me so I slowly walked to room 27.


I woke up as the nurse gave me a shot of morphine. I knew it was morphine because of the way my bad reacts. It's stronger than hydrocodone but weaker than heroin. 

"Ah you're awake Mr.Brown. Your doctor is on his way." The older Mexican lady said with a smile. Seconds later the doctor walked in and went over how I got here. I don't remember being in an alley bleeding but that's what I was told that happened. He concluded his long list if rules for me to follow shortly after he recalled my incident. "Your girlfriend is here." He told me while placing my chart in its holder and walking out. Girlfriend?

"Fuck" I whispered to myself. Lacey's hoe ass is reason I'm in this situation now.

A/N:Lacey R. Is Karueche Tran.

Slowly the door opened and I was ready to curse her out but when the girl walked into the door I was speechless. Who is she? 

She is beautiful.

"Um are you alright?" She looked at me with an eyebrow raised and I nodded. The girl sat in the car next to the bed and eyed me suspiciously. The room was completely quite and the silence was uncomfortable. 


The guy stared at me so I stared back. He was paler and really skinny and frail but he looked so familiar. 

"So... What's your name?" I asked and he looked me up and down with a look of disgust. He had the nerve to act offended when he answered. "I'm Chris Brown." 

The name is kind of familiar but I was still confused. "Who are you?" 

"Kendall." I stated simply.

'Chris' looked at the clock on the wall before looking back at me. 

"Do I get a last name?" 

"Um no. You're a stranger." I stared blankly at him. Chris smacked his lips and mugged me. It's too late and I don't feel like dealing with the childish bullshit but I mugged him back anyway. "Why you here if you don't know me?" His pissy attitude was clear through his mumbling.  

It's too damn late for this.

I sighed and looked away at the window across the room. I felt myself falling asleep again until I heard him snapping his fingers in my face. "Answer my fucking question." He growled at me. I glanced at the clock beside me it read 4:53 am. 

Is he seriously trying to argue right now? 

"Hold the fuck up. First of all,don't you ever snap your fingers at me. Second I found your druggie ass dying in an alley. I could have and probably should have left you there but I didn't. I could have went home but I stayed here to make sure that you! Are okay. I was in the waiting room for seven hours and you for the nerve and the fucking audacity it speak to me with a motherfucking attitude? Have you losf your fucking mind?" I stared down at him like he grew an extra head. He looked up at me obviously taken back. His eyes were glistening with tears that I had to roll my eyes at. 

I could tell that he does what he wants because nobody says anything to him. Yeah well,that's not happening with me.

"I don't know why you are about to cry when you stared it." I walked to the bath room and heard him mumble 'I'm sorry'.

Ugh. l I want to do it sleep but I would feel bad if I left him here alone. I swear this shit only happens to me. Sighing again I stared at my reflection and examined the bags forming under my eyes. I knew by the way that this day was going they will only get heavier. This is going to be a long day.

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