Shattered and Broken:Chapter 10:Unwanted Part 1

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Kind of a short chapter but the next chapter is longer.



I checked the room to make sure I packed everything. I did.

"You're all signed out. Let's go." My mom told me before why walked out to the car.

On the way home she told me that some of my family wanted to see me and she invited them. I know its probably Kendall,Erynn,Bow,Trey,Rob, Aaron,Keeis,Austin and a couple of my aunts. But like always she tries to push it and invite my "brothers". Its been years since I saw them she is going to force us to talk or at least get along. Honestly I don't give a fuck about either of them and I know that's mutual.

I know my good mood will disappear once I walk through the door.

Why can't I just hide from my reality?

Denise (Chris Sister In Law)

A/N: Denise is Monica. Shawn is Shannon Brown. The kids are the kids.

As I drove to meet my producer at his studio my phone rang. I glanced at it and saw it was Joyce.

After we exchanged greetings she told me that Chris is coming home from somewhere and she wants us to go to her house to welcome him home. I'm unenthusiastic to say the least.Yay.

We talked a bit before disconnecting. Personally I didn't have a problem with Chris because I rarely saw him but Shawn hated him. So I guess Chris felt the need to hate us back. Addiction or not Chris was an Asshole and I hated to be around him.

I pulled up to the studio and wondered if I should tell Shawn.


After Joyce practically begged Shawn to go he gave in so we are suppose to be on our way there.

Shawn felt the need to be difficult do he took sweet time to get ready. Once we got there we were twenty minutes late and cars were piled up around the house.

When we walked through the door all eyes were on us. Some smiled but Austin(Chris's real Cousin) looked scared.

If he only knew how I felt behind my smile...


I drove to Christopher's mother's house early to help get everything ready. I'm a bit nervous though. I'm going to be around Christopher's family and it will be just Erynn and I in a corner looking at people. We set everything up and people started to arrive.


Chris walked walked into the house and all eyes were glued to him. I raised an eyebrow he like looks like a Normal person?,I guess... I don't know.


Our eyes locked and we both smiled. He hugged me tightly and I just melted. It seemed like I haven't seen him in forever and I wanted to hug him for just as long. Gabby gagged and be reluctantly let go of eachother. She hugged him and I mugged her.

He introduced me to some of his family. They didn't question me of anything and my nerves kind of calmed down.

The house got quiet when a door slammed and the door knob turned. The door opened and whoa.


I was in mid sentence when my "older brother" Shawn and his family walked in and my "little brother" Taylor walked in shortly after. Yay.

A/N:Taylor is Randy Jackson Jr/Michael's nephew

I rolled my eyes and accidently made eye contact with my mom. She gave me the "If you don't act right I'm going to beat your ass" look.

Denise hugged me and the kids did too. Suddenly it felt like a scene from a movie. Everybody got quiet and I felt like I was being starred at from all directions. We stood in silence barely looking at eachother.

Moments of awkward silence and tension filled the air. Taylor was the one who reacted first and reluctantly went in for a hug and i reluctantly met him half way. We parted and Taylor looked at Shawn who glared back. After a while of us standing there he held out his hand and I swallowed my pride and shook it. 


The tension kind of faded and we all seemed to be having fun. A sudden knock at the door made everyone freeze.

Kendall was the closest so she peeked through the door before it flew open and I dropped my cup. Eyes widened and the whole party just stopped.

Why the fuck does this kind of shit always happen?

Shattered and Broken- C.BrownWhere stories live. Discover now