Shattered and Broken:Chapter 13: Time

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Chris POV

24 hours.

I let twenty-four hours pass before I made an attempt to talk to Kendall. I haven't seen her since she left my mom's house and now I'm regretting the whole thing. The day before I met Kendall I was to leave Lacey for good, but the shit she pulled in that alley ended us before I got the chance to. After months of not seeing her I thought she was out of my life for good.

I kind of learned to forgive her a while ago so I thought about the next time that I would see and how I'd react. It was nothing like how it was suppose to be. I didn't speak up and try to defend Kendall,but I saved Lacey from being getting her ass beat.

24 hours.

Since I’ve seen Kendall and I am beyond sorry about what happened. Laecey has been pushing up on me since she got here. I woke up with her next to me even though I locked the door behind me.

Ma' didn't like what she did to me or Kendall but she didn't even get into it.

I got up and went it to the bathroom about 30 minutes later I came out fresh. After packing all of my stuff I was on my way back to Kendall’s house. I just hope she forgives me.

My mom didn’t want to see me go but I was comfortable with Kendall.  I had small hopes of us picking up were we left off.

As I approached the door I felt my shirt being tugged on,I turned to see Laecey with her face scrunched up.

"Where are you going?"I looked at her like she was growing an extra head.

"Out"I growled reaching for the door knob.

"Out where? Why do you have your bag? What are you doing? Are you leaving me? What's going on Chris?"

"I don’t live here anymore. I’m leaving okay? Let go of my shirt."I shrugged her off enough to get the door open.

"Please don’t leave me alone! Please Chris"She pleaded and tears ran down her face. She knew I hated seeing girls cry but I didn’t too much care for her anymore.

"Get the fuck away from me! Go take yo ass back to Julian’s bitch ass."I growled in her face.

I opened the door and slammed it behind me as Erynn pulled up.


As soon as I slammed the door Erynn's all black charger pulled up in front of the house. I rushed towards it and got in. Before I could hop back out the car Erynn was speeding down the street. My eyebrows met as I looked at him.  "What the fuck.." I whispered under my breath.

"Fuck you starin' at?" Erynn gave me the side eye and I tilted my head.

He sat behind the wheel with long brown hair hanging down under a backwards Wu-tang snap back. Some niggas just got good hair but the blue bra sitting under the gray tank top had to have an answer. They kinda are holding the answer.

"You- ."


"You're a girl?" I ask and he scoffed.

"No." Erynn mumbled and shifted around.

"You look like one."

"I needed a fucking break. Is that a problem?"

"Nah bruh. Sorry." I mumbled awkwardly.

"I'm transgendered,fuck-tard."

I just stared at him. Honestly I don't even know what that means.

Shattered and Broken- C.BrownWhere stories live. Discover now