Shattered and Broken:Chapter 2:You Remind me.

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Thank you to everyone who has started reading this story! It starts a bit slow but it gets better :).



"Damn" I mumbled under my breath. I didn’t mean to snap on umm what's her name. I felt like shit after she got mad but she hurt my ego. How did she not know who I was? Has it been that long since people have seen me?  I know it has been years since I've made a record but I've tried to. I've tried a lot of times but nobody wants me in there studio. I've been labeled a 'has been' and I've grown a reputation from that. Brawls,media,break ups,rehab and numerous other things have put me in a bad light. Once it started it was unstoppable although I tried not to 'fuel the fire' people took information and ran with it. The public used my clean image to create a monster. My habits got worse because of it and I embraced the monster. I became the monster 

It's been years since I've been seen by anyone other than my mom and Lacey. Sometimes I want to get back out there bit I don't feel like I'll be accepted again. The things I'm fighting now have made me who I am today. 

Lacey tempted me every time I thought about getting clean and every time I failed. I barely remember the days when my fans ran up to me asking for autographs and pictures. That was one of the best feelings in the world and I want it back. My goal is to be clean and sober again but every day that I wake up it seems to be more of a distant dream. 


Chris was sleep so I curled up in the chair I previously sat in and went to sleep. I was awakened by the voice of the nurse talking to Chris. It is 9:26 am and she gave him the tray with breakfast on it. The food looked nasty as hell dry toast,watery bland eggs and orange juice. 

My phone started ringing for the third time today and it was Nicole. I didn't feel like talking so I sent a text saying I was okay and hoped that she would leave me be. When I looked up dude was staring at me so I stared back. Seconds passed before we broke eye contact and he looked at his untouched tray and I went back to sleep.

--------------  1:15pm

Chris's loud raspy laugh woke me up the second time. After another bathroom trip I walked back to the chair and he turned the tv off then looked at me. I really really really hate that. I can't stand when people stare at me especially when I've been irritated by them enough. 

I began texting my classmate Forrest because Nicole was being a bitch. Nicole has always been like an older sister to Gabby and I but she's too controlling. She ignores us when she has an attitude. The short conversation between Forest and I ended and I noticed that the room was silent.

A/N: Forest is Forest Tucker,Trey Songz's younger brother.

I can feel him looking at me and my bad temper stopped my calmness. Quickly I looked up and Chris was staring at me.  

"The fuck you want? Every time I look up you are looking at me. That is creepy as fuck. If you got something to say just say it!" I exclaimed not bothering to hide my irritation. His eyes widened a bit but he didn't say anything. Just as I turned around he grabbed my arm “I’m sorry for acting like an ass last night,you just kinda hurt me" he mumbled loud enough for me to hear him. I just looked at him.

Hurt him?


It took a lot for me too admit that I was wrong but I didn't want to seem like an ass. I just couldn't get over the realization that I could be forgotten. 

She just looked at me like ‘are you crazy?’,I just sighed and asked her if she could sit in the chair. With the remote I lifted the top of the bed up so that I was sitting up."You really don’t know me?" I asked and she shook her head ‘no’.I took a deep breath “Well I was once known around the world as a singer and dancer. That was a long time ago and you can see that I'm not really anybody now." I looked down at my hands and I saw her push her chair closer to my bed."Wow really? What happened to you?" 

"My girlfriend at the time was a user and she got me into it. When it was time to go out in the world I couldn't, I started fucking up. Eventually my drug addiction and girlfriend made influenced me when I had to make a choice between drugs or music. Stupidly I choose drugs and now I'm here." I shrugged slightly ignoring the pain in my left arm. I didn't want her to see me as a bad person because she didn't seem like one. 

I grabbed my wallet pulled out a picture of me from 2005 and another from 2006. "Ohh I remember you kind of." She was very unsure but I can sed that she tried. 

So much for that.


I sort of remembered him he was everywhere but damn I thought that nigga was dead. We sat in silence so I kind of wanted to know more. "So where is your girlfriend now?"I asked looking at the track marks across his tattoos."I don’t know she was taken by some guys in an alley behind the park" He shrugged nonchalantly and we both sighed. We made eye contact again and this time I didn't look away. I saw all the hurt and pain in his eyes,he was all alone just like I was a while back. Something told me to stay but what the hell was it?

The doctor came into the room to check on Chris so I excused myself.

I went to the cafeteria to get chips and tea,its like the only thing I felt like eating. When I got back to the room Chris was sleep so I went to clean myself up in the bathroom. I didn’t have anything other than what I was wearing so I did the best that I could.I ate and looked on instagram out of boredom. The first picture I see is Nicole hugged up with some guy. The caption read "I had so much fun yesterday #bestfriends #birthday #parties #2reasons" I furrowed my eyebrows at the caption. She told me that she was sick and I asked her to come to the doctor with me this morning but she couldn't. She was ignoring me for a reason now.  My phone vibrated and I opened the notification.

From:Nicole: I'm happy you're okay. I took a lot of NyQuil last night and I was knocked out.

I shook my head. 

To Nicole:You lying bitch -___-

Shattered and Broken- C.BrownWhere stories live. Discover now