Shattered and Broken:Chapter 9:Dreaming and Wondering

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5 months Later


I sat on my bed with my pudding cup. After two hours I found my clothes for tomorrow. What's tomorrow? The Fucking Comic Con!

A/N: A comic con is like a comicbook,video game,art,etc convention. I go to them so they are kinda geeky but like uber cool.

Usually Gabby and I drag Nicole with us but since she's fallen off the face of the earth we're taking Erynn.

I glanced at the laundry hamper and frowned a bit. I miss Christopher. He was the only one who used it,I just tossed my clothes on the floor. Even though I'm kinda lonely I'm happy that he's doing so much better. He's been in rehab for some months and he might get out next week. Erynn and I visit him after school they've become like best friends.

My phone vibrated and I glanced down at the screen. "T-Raw" Soon after an unfamiliar number called and I ignored that call too. Seconds later I heard knocking. What the fuck is going on?

I grab the butcher knife from under my mattress. Don't ask why I keep on under there... Lightly traveling to the front door I check to make sure everything is locked and clear. The peephole revealed 5 guys in hoodies and black glasses. In front of the guys was Christopher's mom. What the fuck?

Once I decided not to hide in my closet I slowly opened the door.

"Hi?" I raised an eyebrow and Momma J smiled. "Hey Kendall,I brought some of Chris's friends with me."

I furrowed my eyebrows glanced at the hooded bodies at my door. Chris was in an alley half dead and in the process of going into a drug induced coma when I found him. Thinking back on that I kinda didn't want to meet his "friends".

"Oh..... Okayyyy... Come in I guess.." I stepped aside as they walked in. Soon we all stood awkwardly in the kitchen. Then with there hoods up and me holding a knife behind my back. I felt their eyes on me and I walked pass them and sat on the counter as Joyce started explaining. "Chris has been doing so good. We all went to see him today. He asked about you too."

"Oh that great. How was he?" I spoke slowly. As concerned as I was the people were creeping me out and I smell weed.

"He couldn't stop talking about you and he said I should bring them along to meet you. Is anyone else here?" I shook my head and she told them that it was safe. My eyes widened a bit once I saw then without the glasses and hoods.

Trey(Songz),Gregory(Bow Wow) and Marcus(Tyga) stood infront of me grinning,probably cause I'm half dressed but whatever. Another guy stood next to him but I didn't know him. One other person stepped forward and I narrowed my eyes. Keeis. That's why I smelled weed.

They introduced themselves even tho I already knew them. I met Brandon(Mijo) and I was reintroduced to Keeis. He offered a small smile but I glared at him. I don't mind helping Christopher but the way he left him with me was a bitch ass move.

Surprisingly they know who I was from my modeling stuff. The more we talked I saw that they weren't assholes and actually cared for Christopher. A few hours passed before they left and I locked the door before walking to my bedroom. I thought about Chris for a while.The passed few months have been so weird since I'm not use to him not being around. We've become really close in a short amount of time. After the shower incident thing did get kinda weird but I never mentioned it.


I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth after throwing up outside. Gabrielle dragged me out to a party but I wasn't in the modd to stay there. I cleaned myself up and put on my pjs. Chris was on the couch laughing loudly at something,I gave him the side eye and stopped. "You aight?" He asked me and I slowly nodded but he raised an eyebrow. "Stop lying." I opened my mouth to say something but he was already in the kitchen. A few minutes later he came back with a cup of tea and a pack of crackers. "Thanks...."I smiled a little as he nodded and looked back at the tv. "So what do you do all day?" I randomly asked and he looked at me with his eyes narrowed.

That lead us to describe both of our days and we eventually started talking about everything. School,dreams,friends, almost everything,I learned a lot about who he really was underneath it all. He got me to unwittingly admitted to never having a boyfriend and being bullied as a kid. I never really had a normal childhood because of my parents careers and after I lost them my life was hell. I could only tell a little about that but he knew it was a sensitive subject.

The more he talked the more I saw how similar we were. I could feel myself slowly falling but for who Chris? As close as we are I doubt there could be anything between us. But when we're around eachother sometimes I can't help but wonder... What if?

After awhile of intently staring at eachother he leaned in and kissed me.Without hesisitation my lips met his and we moved in sync. Moments had passed before I pulled back and just stared at him. "What in the fuck." I thought to myself but the chuckling i heard made me realize that i said it outloud. 

"What?" He looked at me but I stayed silent.


"Did you say something?"


"It sounded like you sa-"

"Nothing! I said nothing."I glanced over at Christopher who grinned and shook his head at me.

I sank down in my seat and we resumed watching tv.

That was the last  night I spent with him the next day he went to rehab.

End of Flashback

I sighed and went to sleep. Whats happening to me?


I stared blankly at my ceiling as I recalled my last day with Kendall. It's been some months but that hasn't drifted far from my mind. She was just everything. Everything I wanted and everything I wanted to be.

On a lighter note I saw some of my people. I was happy to see them but just like with everyone else I hated to see them go.

After 6 long months I'll be released next week. Although I hated it here because I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere alone,I did what I came here to do. 

I'm clean,that alone makes me smile. My therapist told me that I did it for me and I did. But to actually see my momma smile proudly every time she saw me. I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Erynn,Gabby and Kendall were all excited about my progress.

With my mind all over the place and my eyes slowly closing I didn't realize how late it was. I wasn't ready to go to sleep yet because she was just in the back of my mind.

I try to ignore it but I can't help but develop more feelings for her. One of my biggest fears is rejection. Another one of my fears is missing out. 

Should I take that chance with Kendall?


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Shattered and Broken- C.BrownWhere stories live. Discover now