Shattered and Broken:Chapter 11:Unwanted Part 2

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Hii,Sorry about the late update.



(Karrueche Tran)

With Chris gone I don't have anybody else. Hate kept me away from my family and Fear kept me away from Julian.

The gas has been cut off for months so if there was food here I couldn't cook it. I tightened the blanket around me as I shuffled through the one room apartment. I opened to door to the fridge just to be reminded that it was empty and I had not way of putting food in it. My stomach growled at the thought and I sighed. I looked at the clock it read 5:47pm. My options were limited at this point.

Stay here and starve.


Go to the one person who never turned their back on me.

I went with what seems to be the best choice. I slipped on my beat up pink vans. There were literally being held together by a string so I had to walk carefully. The door doesn't have a lock so I closed the door and took a deep breath and made my way across town.


I woke up to a menacing phone call from Alex,saying that he wanted to talk to me. I didn't want to go but I really didn't have a choice.

He began yelling at me before I walked into the room. Honestly I didn't have any information on Kendall or at least any I was willing to give. One of his goons,I think his name is Jesse tried to calm him down but I could see that his patience were gone. When his larger hand went across my face,we all stared at him in shock. My left cheek began to throb and eventually burn. "Don't you fucking lie to me. Where is she?" He stared at me in my eyes as he waited for my reply. I lightly shrugged and something in his gaze snapped. He took right fist and it hit my face so hard that my nose began to bleed. He glared at me and lunged towards me. He lost control before we hit the floor.


"What the hell?" I croaked out in utter disbelief. I hadn't opened my eyes yet but the smell surrounding me only lead me to imagine the worst. I pulled my eyes open and adjusted to the daylight. The dizzy and lightheadedness made me lay back before I realized that I was laying in the middle of dumpster. I searched for my phone but it was smashed in my pocket. I crawled out of the metal can and slowly limped around the alley. Fifteen minutes later I turned the corner and see that I was behind my school.

The rush of hope was enough to encourage me to walk across the parking lot to the front of the building. Moments later I stumbled into the office leaking blood from somewhere. I thought I saw the dean but I barely remember anything after crashing into the floor.


(Continuation from the last scene of the previous chapter)

The door flew open and a tiny hysterical Asian girl ran to Joyce. She looked like hell but Joyce held her anyway. I awkwardly closed the door. Everyone's eyes have been on me since I opened the door. The stared intently as if they were waiting for a reaction,but to what?

I looked to Christopher and his eyes were glued to the ground. I raised my eyebrows in curiosity but nobody spoke up. I looked at Erynn and we had one of our eye conversations along with Gabby. Neither of us knew what was going on but the look in Erynn's eyes said he was going to find out.

Shattered and Broken- C.BrownWhere stories live. Discover now