Shattered and Broken:Chapter 8:Remember me?

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Hai guys :) I'm soo sorry for the late update. I just started school and it has alread become a pain in my ass >.> .Anywhoz Erynn (Johnna Paige on the right) makes his/her appearance. 



Same day.


The room got quiet as the messenger explained the professor's absence. He was in a car accident this morning. I guess they didn't like hi case everyone shrugged it off. Hours passed and my ass is numb. When I looked up and thought about getting up i would make eye contact with somebody. I hate when people look at me. Some girl sat next to me and asked me questions but I never bothered to look over at her. I'm not into making friends,I'm just here to finish school and to get the fuck away from my parents.

After my shitty unproductive morning I sat on a bench on campus with my twizzlers and sketch book.

"Hey! You were in my class this morning. I like your hood" I thought about it and remembered that I stitched 'Go Fuck Yourself' on the area that hides my eyes. I nodded and mumbles thanks before continuing to draw. A few moments passed before the voice spoke again.

"Soo... What's your name?" I sighed inwardly and briefly glanced up at some broad who had a Minnie Mouse shirt on. I assumed that she saw my face because her eyes widened a bit. The stitches under my left eye always seemed to be the center of attention. 

"Erynn" I stared at her and her face softened a little.

She had a friends with a Mickey Mouse shirt on and I saw her walking toward us. I stared at her and I started to question her existence. The skin complexion,the hair,the eyes,the few scars on her hand. I didn't want to think back to that day but I couldn't help it. Could it be? Once she stopped and looked down at me I knew it. 


"Hi.I'm Ke-"

"Kendall." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah......How did you kn-"

"Do you remember me?" I cut her off again and she furrowed her eyebrows. I could see that she was thinking but I knew she would never guess. But if it were me I wouldn't have guessed either. I slowly lifted my head up and and looked her in her eyes.

"November 12th." Her face was blank until she saw the stitches under my eye.

The same stitches she would never forget....



I woke up to a clean and empty apartment. I looked around for something to eat and saw a life supply of pudding. I couldn't find anything else so I ate a snack pak before getting dressed. My mom gave me money to get some of the things I needed but the look in her eyes told me to get what I needed and not what I wanted.

The store trip was quick. I managed to not be photographed or recognized. I shaved my face and did my hygiene stuff. As the water cascaded down my body, I felt a smile tug at my lips when I thought about me and Kendall this morning.

After getting dressed and finding a box of poptarts I turned on the living room TV. I turned to ESPN to watch First Take but in the middle of the topic the channel switched to Gia.The light on the dvr told me that it was recording. The remote was on the other side of the couch and I didn't feel like reaching so I sat through it. 

A/N:Gia is Carmen's(Simply Amazing) mother but for those who never saw it she didn't have any kids in real life.

I couldn't help but think about myself as I watched the movie. Its almost like looking in the mirror. A teen grows up and becomes famous only to basically let drugs kill them. She went through hell and it kinda woke me up. She ended up dying from aids,that's fucked up and it makes me want to stay clean. I haven't touched a needle in a while but it kind of made me want it more. But I can't let my mama down.

Watching her life play out on the screen and seeing how she died it makes me think about what could have happened to me.

It was like a wake up call I didn’t want AIDS or to go through the shit she did ,I want to be clean and stay clean.I haven’t touched a needle in a while but the thought of it made me want it more but I can’t keep letting my mama down.

I think I’m ready to try rehab again but I don’t think I could so it ….alone…


A/N:Laecey is Karrueche Tran

I sigh as I walk down this street in my loose fitting t shirt and half ripped shorts. It's been days since I've been home. My stomach growled loudly but I ignored it,its been days since I've eaten but I'm more concerned with finding my next high. The sweat of my palms seeped into the hem of my shirt. 

I think back to the situation I just escaped and felt my knees buckle. Julian turned on me and left me. I'll do anything for one line and he knew that and used it to his advantage. Now look at me. 

It was too much of a struggle to walk so i managed to find a park to sit at. During my days of torture my mind drifted back to Chris. I kind of missed him. Although I loved Julian he was never there for me but Chris never left my side.

Thinking back to that night when Julian taunted me with two whole bricks of cocaine. I was so excited but I feared what he might want in return. He just wanted Chris,once I got what I wanted it was soon taken away from me. Everything was taken away from me. I never saw him again. He's probably dead now. 

Oh well.


My eyes scanned the scar under the kids left eye. When I heard "November 12" my heart skipped a beat. Nothing was adding up but I couldn't look away. I cleared my throat and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Eh....Erynn?" I knew I began to tear up when Erynn nodded. Before I knew it I was hugged Erynn tightly and crying like a big ass baby. Gabby raised an eyebrow and I nodded.

"Well you fucked up my shirt so.. I assume this is your way of welcoming me.." The three of us looked at the big wet spot of Erynn shoulder. "Ha sorry." 

"It's whatever. Why is old girl mean mugging over there?" We looked back and saw Nicole looking right back at us. I shook my head and pulled Erynn with me. "Where are you taking me? You don't have my permission....Technically this is kidnapping" I rolled my eyes and explained how the rest of the day was going to go. We got in our went to my condo.

I can't put into words like I just. I don't know. The excitement is overwhelming. Like years of mourning and depression put a damper of my life. My whole life literally changed in ten minutes. I have my little brot.... My little sis... I'm not exactly sure but I have my Erynn back. 


Shattered and Broken- C.BrownWhere stories live. Discover now