Followers And Following?

22.6K 1.1K 2.2K

If you're about to post a book then FREEZE!

What is your follower situation like? If the answer is quite low then maybe you should just pause for a minute.

Followers are a key part in posting a new book, because they get notified when you finally showcase it to the world! So of you have around 10 followers then the chances of you making an impact isn't great.

However if you have 200+ followers then the chances of one of them checking out your work and thereby giving you votes and reads is very high. But there are some things you need to bear in mind:

-try and follow people in your genre who will be more likely to check out your work
-try and follow people who are active and will probably follow you back
-when someone follows you back, leave them a message on their wall to thank them and then POLITELY suggest they check out your books (the key word there is politely if you haven't guessed)

This worked for me when writing my fanfic as I found a lot of my followers checked out my work when I posted it, this meant I got more reads and votes in one day than I did in one week when writing my sci fi book (where I had around 5 followers).

Hope this was useful- ish!


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