How To Keep Your Readers Interested [Requested]

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Every writer's fear is that they will bore their readers, meaning that people will stop reading your book. There are some ways to keep your readers interested.

1. Update regularly- we have already discussed this. The more content you give your readers, the more you keep them interested.
2. Don't have too many 'filler' chapters. Make sure that something exciting happens every other chapter or so.
3. Use interesting vocabulary and description as this will make them feel like they aren't just reading a string of events.
4. Have cliffhangers at the end of chapters, which will keep readers tense.
5. HINT at things that may happen later on in your authors note (don't give away plot twists however).

Keeping your readers' interest is vital for getting reads because it means that people will continue to read your book right to the end. If you find yourself losing a lot of readers with each chapter you post, maybe ask your readers if they are enjoying the book.

Losing readers is a sign that something has made them lose interest and identifying what that is quickly is crucial. Maybe do a quick spell check or see if you've not really explained things well in that chapter.

If you are bored by your own chapters, that is a sure sign that you need to change things!

This was a requested chapter, please comment any more chapters that you would like me to write.

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