Gaining Reads Is Like Gaining Momentum

3.4K 290 75

When you start writing your story, you may not gain many reads in the first day. You won't gain many in the first week. But without you realising, with every read that you gain you are gaining what I like to call 'momentum'. And no before you ask, this isn't going to be a physics lesson.

However I will make slight reference to momentum in physic terms. The equation for momentum is p=mv which means momentum=mass×speed.

We can write an equation for gaining reads which goes a little something like this reads= amount of chapters× time.

There are these little things call milestones in writing which are certain points you pass when you write a book on here e.g when you hit 1k. When you pass each of these milestones, gaining reads becomes easier. When I hit 4k on one of my books, I already had 700 more reads by the end of the week whereas when I hit 1k on the same book it took at least a month to gain the same amount of reads.

So just wait guys, remember the equation. The more chapters you have and the more time you have it posted, the more reads you'll gain.

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