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"Wanna go to the cinema with me tonight?" Harry asks as we walk together in the hallway.

"Yeah, I'd like that. What time?" I grab my history book from my locker and shut it closed.

"I'll pick you up at 6," he smiles and I nod, the bell rings and we say our goodbyes as I walk to history class alone.


As soon as school is over I rush to my car and drive home excited that it's Friday. I park my car and walk in.

"Elena I'm home!" I shout.

"I'm in my room Ella," she calls back. I take my coat and boots off then run up to her room.

"How was school?" She asks as I plop on her bed.

"Good, I'm going to see a movie with Harry later. He's picking me up at 6," I say and she nods. I stand up and walk into my room. I look at myself in the mirror and decide to just keep the outfit I already have on.

"So do you like Harry, like, like like him?" Elena comes into my room without knocking.

"I mean I don't know, not really. I like him as a friends that's all," I say kinda truthfully. I like Harry I do, he's a nice and genuine person but he's also really cute and I honestly don't know how I feel.

"Do you know what film you're seeing?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No actually, are you doing anything tonight?" I ask her as she fixes her hair in the mirror.

"I think Mike is coming over," she smiles and I nod. Mike is Elenas boyfriend, he's a really nice guy, he's like an older brother to me. Elena and him have been dating for a year now and they're really cute together. They met in NYC but he lives in England as well, actually in Manchester which is cool.

The doorbell rings which rips me out of my thoughts. I look at Elena then walk downstairs and open the door to reveal Harry.

"Hi Jefferson," he smirks.

"Hey Styles," I smirk back which causes him to laugh.

"Bye Elena, see you later!" I shout and walk out the door with Harry. We get into his car and he starts playing ColdPlay and I instantly smile because I love this band.

We sing along all the way to the cinema. We get out and head into the front so we can buy our tickets.

"What movie are we seeing?" I ask Harry as we step in line.

"Up to you Jefferson."

"Hmm, what about the new Fantastic Four?" I ask and he nods in agreement. We buy our tickets and go into the main foyer to get food. I order a lemonade and m&m's and Harry gets popcorn and a soda. We grab our food then go into our theater.

We sit down and instantly start to eat.


"That was a good movie," I say and turn to Harry who's asleep. I chuckle quietly. I push his arm away and his head bangs onto his seat causing him to wake up and jump. He glares at me and I fall off my chair laughing.

"Not funny Jefferson," he gives me angry eyes.

"Very funny Styles," I remark. He then starts to laugh and helps me up. We exit the theater and go back into his car.

"Let's go back to my place because I feel bad I fell asleep," he says as he starts the engine and I nod. I text my sister and tell her I'm going to Harry's house so she doesn't worry.


We pull into his driveway and he turns the car off. Once we reach the front door he opens it and we walk in. I take off my shoes and Harry hangs up my coat for me.

We walk into the kitchen and he picks up a note.

"My moms out, probably at her boyfriends," he says and I look at him.

"Yeah you never told me your parents were divorced," I sit down on the couch and he sits next to me.

"Yeah, they basically just didn't get along and called it quits. My father was horrible and he left. Now my mom is fancying some guy" Harry's jaw clenches and I rest my hand in his shoulder.

"It's fine, your moms allowed to date. She can handle herself Harry."

"Yeah I know, I'm just protective over her. I hope that guy treats her like a princess" my heart melts at his words. He looks at me and smiles. He takes out his phone and lifts it up.

"Smile!" Harry says and goofily smiles. I smile softly and Harry takes a picture. I smile at it thinking it looks really cute. I look at the clock and realize how late it is.

"I should be going, it's really late."

"You can stay!" He shouts, "only if you want," he quickly adds. I smile and nod sitting back down.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry suddenly asks and I nod.

"Why are you so nice to me? Like even from the beginning you saw through me you knew who I truly was, how?"

"I'm good at the stuff. I just had to see you around other people to know that you were the 'bad boy' but around your mom and me and my sister you were such a nice person."

"Thanks El," he uses my nickname for the first time which causes me to smile.

"Follow me" I stand up and follow Harry into what seems like his bedroom. He hands me some clothes.

"These are my sisters, you can wear them for pajamas," he says and walks out of the room. I guess I'm staying the night. I quickly change.

"You're good Harry!" I say and he walks in with just sweatpants on with his tattoos exposed again. He climbs into his bed and pats the spot next to him. I climb in next to him and lay down. I feel two hands wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him.

"I had fun today, but next time it'll be more fun so I don't fall asleep," Harry says which causes me to laugh.

"Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Ella," I feel a kiss on my head and I close my eyes with a smile on my face.


"I'm leaving Ella. Addison and Elena are coming with. We're leaving you alone and we're not coming back!" Harry shouts.

"No! Don't leave me!" I scream.

All of a sudden cold water is splashed on my face. I shoot my eyes open to see Harry sitting next to me.

"Harry," I pull him into my arms and sob. He runs his fingers through my hair to calm me down.

"What happened Ella?" He questions.

"I- I had a nightmare. You left me Harry, I had no one," I start to shake and he continues to play with my hair.

"Shh, it's okay Ella, I'm right here. I'll never leave you."

"You promise?"

"I promise to never leave you," he kisses my forehead and I relax. I shut my eyes and instantly fall back asleep.

It's 12:10 am on Christmas morning, I tried to post on Louis birthday but happy 10 minutes late birthday Louis, I love you endlessly and I couldn't be more proud of you. Thank you for everything you've done for me :) Also merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!! XOXO Mel

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