Chapter 10 - So What Happens Now?

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Marshalls P.O.V.

                        I walked to my bands dressing room in a daze. l opened the door and they all stared at me. My best bro Ash, came up to me. "Dude, whats up? You look like someone just punched you in the face." He said, obviously waiting for me to tell him what happened. Ash knows everything. And l mean EVERYTHING.

                            He knew about what l did to Fi, but he also knew the real story, what actually happened.  "Ummmmmmm..." l couldnt think of any words to say. Actually l couldnt think at all. The sound of Fis voice saying she loved me kept running through my head. Ash grabbed my arm and pulled me into a different room.

                             "Ok man, what happened?" Ash said, clearly knowing that it had something to do with Fionna. "Well, she said she love me," l started. "And..." Ash motioned for me to go on. "She walked away." l finished. Ash bursted out laughing. "Man, you have some serious girl issues." He said in between laughter.

                              Well, he was right. l thought. l really need to talk to her. l need to know whats going to happen now. She might not be here though. "lm gonna go try to talk to Fionna."l told Ash. He just nodded because he was still laughing. l walked out of the room and headed towards the direction of Fionnas dressing room.

Fionnas P.O.V.

                              When l got back to my bands dressing room l told them what happened with me and Marshall. There was A LOT of giggling. And finally someone asked the question. 'Do you still like him?' l answered completely honest. l said yes. 

                                  After that they had to go home but l stayed behind to figgure out what our next song should be. l grabbed my song book and started to write. After about an hour l had a song.

Musing through memories,
Losing my grip in the grey.
Numbing the senses,
I feel you slipping away.
Fighting to hold on,
Clinging to just one more day
Love turns to ashes,
With all that I wish could say..

I'd die to be where you are.
I tried to be where you are.

Every night, I dream you still here.
The ghost by my side, so perfect so clear.
When I awake, you disappear,
Back to the shadows
With all I hold dear..
With all I hold dear..
I dream you're still here..

Hidden companion
Phantom be still in my heart
Make me a promise that
Time won't erase us
That we were not lost from the start.

I'd die to be where you are
I tried to be where you are

I dream you're still here,
Ever slightly out of reach.
I dream you're still here,
But it breaks so easily.
I try to protect you,
I can't let you fade.

I feel you slipping..
I feel you slipping away..

Every night, I dream you still here.
The ghost by my side, so perfect so clear.
When I awake, you disappear,
Back to the shadows
With all I hold dear..
With all I hold dear..
I dream you're still here..
I dream you're still here.

                                     l know that Marshall is here and that l just told him that l loved him still, and l do. But what l went through is not something that you just get over and theres still a lot of emotion that breaks free from me and that emotion goes into songs. But most of my songs are about him or about that day. l dont know why but... l cant even think about that day without crying. 

                                         l feel a couple tears slide down my face. Then l hear a knock. "Come in." l say. l dont care that lm crying. l dont bother wiping the tears away, is pointless. My face is probably red from the few tears so even if l did dry my tears, the person here would still know l was crying. Wait, who is  here anyway?

                                             l turn around to see none other then Marshall Lee. He comes over and sits down next to me. "Whats wrong Fi?" He says in a low voice. l just shake my head. He wipes my tears away. Of course l blush like crazy. "Glob Fi, you look so different." He said. l just gave him a small, sad smile."So lve been meaning to ask you, what was that song called? The one you just sang on stage." He asked. 

                                                My eyes widen. l did not want to tell him that song was about him. lt would just be weird, and he would probably  be upset. But the again hed be even more upset if l tell him it was about someone else and then he finds out it was about him. I decided to go with the truth. "lts called Since Youve Been Gone." l answer. He just nods. "And was that song about me?" Glob! He just had to ask that question. "Yes, but remember that was before l knew the truth."

                                                      He nods again. lm kind of scared now, because l cant read his emotions and l dont know if hes upset or not. There was silence for the next few minutes. l broke it. "Um, Marshall. Was there something you came here for?" l asked. His head snapped up and he looked right into my eyes. "Yes, actually. Fi, what happens now. l mean we just said that we loved each other and you know the truth now." He looks at me with hopeful eyes.

                                                              "Well, maybe we could start over." l said. He smiled. Not his signature smirk, a real smile. "Id like that." He said with a very happy tone. l smiled too. And Marshall leaned in. He kissed me with pation l never thought was possible. l missed this. The feeling of his lips on mine, and the sparks that came with it. He pulled away letting me breath.

                                                                        "Oh and by the way l liked that song of yours." He smirked. l was confused. "Which one?" l asked. "The one you were singing before l knocked." He smirked. After that smirk l knew he listened to my song. So l just smiled and said, "Awww, thank you." 

                                                                       We talked the whole night about what weve been doing these past months and how our bands were becoming well known. The last thing l remember is falling asleep on his arm.


Hey guys! So l did it, heres another chapter l hope you guys liked it. Comment what you think plz.  lm gonna try to include some of what you guys wanted to read in the next chapter.


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