Chapter 12 - Runnen Back To Fire

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Fionna's P.O.V.

                                      I ran away. As fast as l could. l just couldn't take the heart break anymore. It was just so painful. l ran and ran, thinking. l don't even know why l went out with him again! l mean he broke my heart once so why wouldn't he do it again?! l ran, and ran, and ran in till l bumped into someone. l looked up and saw Flame. 'Hey, why are you crying?" He said in a soothing tone. "M-m-me a-and M-M-Marshall got i-into a-a f-fight." l cried. l dont know why l was telling him this, l mean he is my ex. "Shhh, shhh. lts ok. lm here, its ok." He said gently.

                                           We went to a nearby club, because Flame knows that when lm upset l like to sing my feelings. lt helps for some reason. We talked to the owner and they let me sing. lt was really easy to get them to agree because well, lm Fionna and lm famous. So l got up on stage and sang whatever lyrics came to mind.

l think lm lost

l think lm bro-ken

lts not what l wanted

The verdict wont change

lve gone off the razors edge

Thought it would be diff-er-ent

Was treading the wa-ter

Till it took me un-der



So stuck in these feelings

lm taking the beating

lt wont let me go, go, go

lm scared cause the past

Keeps pulling me back

Distorting the fu-ture

lts holding me close

lt loves me the most

lts tearing the sutures

lt wont let me heal

lt tells us whats real

There is no truth there

My visions gone black

lm scared cause the past

Keeps pulling me

Seems l forgot

Which way l was go-ing

Echoed mistakes (mistakes)

Repeating again



So stuck in these feelings

lm taking the beating

lt wont let me go, go, go

lm scared cause the past

Keeps pulling me back

Distorting the fu-ture

lts holding me close

lt loves me the most

lts tearing the sutures

lt wont let me heal

lt tells us whats real

There is no truth there

My visions gone black

lm scared cause the past

Keeps pulling me

lm scared cause the past

Keeps pulling me back

Distorting the fu-ture

lts holding me close

lt loves me the most

lts tearing the sutures

lt wont let me heal

lt tells us whats real

There is no truth there

My visions gone black

lm scared cause the past

Keeps pulling me back

(There is no truth)

lm scared cause the past

(There is no truth)

Keeps pulling me, me, me

                                             As l finished there was a huge explosion of applause. l smiled and walked off stage. "Wow. lve never heard that one before. Was that new?" Flame asked me as we walked out of the club. "Yeah l just sang what came to my head." l admitted. "Well it was amazing." He complimented. l gave him a smile while blushing. We went back to his place to watch a movie.

                                                   "I'll go make some popcorn." Flame said. l nodded and he went into the kitchen. A few minutes later he came out with warm, buttery popcorn. You know, the kind that you get at the movies. l took some. Something seemed off but l just ignored it and ate some popcorn. l shouldnt have ignored my feelings. l started to feel dizzy and l blacked out.


                                                    l woke up on Flames couch. He walked over to me. "Hey Fi how do you feel?" He asked. l dont remember alot. "l feel fine. What happened?" l asked. There was a pain in my head. "You hit your head and blacked out so l brought you here and helped you." He explained. "Awww. Thats so sweet." l leaned in and gave him a kiss.

Flames P.O.V.

                                                         "I'll go make some popcorn." l said. Fionna nodded nd l walked to the kitchen. When l got to the kitchen l made some popcorn. l took the bag out and put it in the bowl. So far my plan was working very well. Step one. Fionna breaks up with Lee. Check. Step two. Make Fionna feel better about the break-up. Check. Step three. Make Fionna fall in love with you. ln motion. l grabbed the bottle of love potion from the pantry and sprinkled it all over the popcorn. Then l walked out to the living room were Fionna sat.

                                                               l handed her the bowl. She took it and grabbed a handful of popcorn. She eyed it like she thought there was something off but soon decided to eat the popcorn. Then she blacked out. l waited for her to wake up. When she finally did, l had to see if the potion worked.

                                                                   l walked over to her. "Hey Fi how do you feel?" l asked her. "l eel fine. What happened?" She asked. Uhhhhhhh think think think! "You hit you head and blacked out so l brought you here and helped you." l said. Saved!!! "Awww. Thats so sweet." She leaned in and gave me a kiss. Step three. Check.


A/N Hey guys. Heres an update! So how do you guys like it so far? l would LOVE to know. Comment you oppinons or anything you wanna see in the book.


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