The Humble Opinion of a WOM

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You're either reading this because you're curious, or you followed the link from my WOM discussion. Either way, read this:

I'll be posting a new interview/review 2-4 times a week, depending on activity my end. So check back often :)

My interviews are NOT generic, that is, I don't just ask: fave food, fave colour, fave TV show, etc etc. Granted, I'll be asking a few of these, but each interviewee will get some orginal questions, specific to them and THEIR story(s).

I read two chapters (plus prologue if available), post a seperate comment on each, then PM you letting you know I'm done, along with the interview questions. You PM me back (plus reply to the comments if you like), and then I post the interview, plus the summary of my two (three if prologue) comments [the review].

If you have MORE than one story, please don't hesitate to post again! I'm quite happy to read, read, read :)

I will aslo be posting these interviews/reviews on my blog. So check em out there, along with my photography and lyrics, if you want :) (link to blog on profile, it's the green house button)

OK, prutty sure that that is everything. If you have any questions, then post them below :)

Enjoy -------------------------------------------------->>>


PS: Please do not repeatedly post asking where your interview is. As I have said several times, I am a busy person, and do not have all day to sit on Wattpad. I'll try my hardest to do at least TWO interviews per week, sometimes even three or four. But I can't go any faster.

Please understand

The Humble Opinion of a WOMWhere stories live. Discover now