jellystar3409 (You Have Player Written All Over You) [Rev+Int]

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Author: jellystar3409

Work: You have Player Written all over You


Name: Kacie Lee

Age: Four spanking Teen

Favorite Color: I'd have to say......... navy blue!

Favorite Band: Oh gees, I've got to be split between One Republic and Coldplay.

What age/grade were you when you first started writing? I started in fourth grade with my first book, 'Super Dog and Super Cat'. hahaahh

What prompted you to start? Well, I've always loved writing during class, especially if we could pick what to write about. I guess I just wanted to put my creativity on paper, you know?

Do you feel like you have advanced since you started? OH, HOLY YES.

Where do you draw your inspiration from? I get inspiration from my dreams, my friends' problems, songs, and quotes.

What opinion could people form about you if they looked at your bookshelf? Um, holy crap, she reads a lot of humor and romance!

What inspired you to write You Have Player Written All Over You? Oh God, it's been so long ago I'm not sure if I can remember but... Um, well I was in history class when I thought of the story idea. Nothing really inspired me except I was thinking about how all my girl friends were saying how they'd love "so and so" a lot more if he wasn't so flirtacious and playerish. So I guess that's what really hit it off.

What do you feel makes your story different? Um, well I REALLY hate writing cliche stories, so I try to give a unique spin to a cliche and write it into a story. So with this, I thought cliche player stories were basically, "The player falls for the nobody", so I decided that instead of the boy still being a player but falling for the girl, I'd have the girl try to make him into an unplayer before even considering him as dating material.

Have you based the characters off of anyone? Yes. I've based Libby off of me in SOME instances. I'm no where as pretty or good at comebacks at her, but some of the things she finds funny, how she reacts in a situation, and her pet peeves are mine. Russell was based off of one of my frieinds personality wise. He's no where as hot as him, I'm afraid. Hahaha I've based Trilla off of my mom and Tristan off of my brother,(But just his personality and fun loving character, not like any feelings or lovey dovey stuff outside of brother and sisterly love. hahaha just wanted to make that clear)

Do you feel any connections with your characters? Yeah, I laugh a lot, and if something happens in my real life, sometimes it reminds me of one of th characters I've created and it makes em kind of laugh and say, "Oh, that reminds me of ____" Or sometimes I tear up while writing a scene, like when Audrey poured that water on Libby while she was playing the piano, and when she told Russell that she didn't have any feelings for him at the gazebo.

Do you see your characters as just words or real people? Well, I don't believe they'll come to life, although I wish some of them did, but I feel like I'm in their mind when I write, like I know exactly how they would react anf how they would say a certain phrase.

Do you base any scenes off of real life experiences? Oh gosh, YES. Half of the ideas I come up with have happened in my life. Usually the humiliating stuff, but whatever. haha

Do you have big plans for YHPWAOY, or is it all still blurry right now? I really want to publish it, after I edit it and finish the sequel that I am currently working on, although I'm not sure if I want to share the sequel, because some of YHPWAOY readers told me it'd ruin it, which I'm taking into great consideration.

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