gabster485 (Just Friends...Maybe)

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Author: gabster485

Object of Research: Just Friends...Maybe


Name: Gabriella


*Fave Colour: Green

*When did you first start writing? I was about eight years old when I wrote my first story. It was about these giant alien cherries that wanted to enslave humans and take over the world. The humans ended up winning because they made cherry pies. Hey, I was a very imaginative third grader.

*What sparked you interest? I loved the idea of being able to create worlds with situations that were exactly how I wanted them.

*What events lead you to writing JFM? My friends were constantly asking me to start another story. I have always loved the idea of best friends falling in love. Plus I’m a total sucker for cliché things and love triangles. So one day I just grabbed a notebook and a pen and started writing.

*Are any scenes based on real life events? Some of them are, but most of them are made up. If I had to choose one I would say that the library scene was closest to something that has happened in real life.

*Are your characters based on anyone, or fictional? Sam’s brother, Wes, is a lot like my brother in real life. Nate is also based off of someone who was very special to me at one point.

*Do you feel your characters are like real people, or just words? They are very real to me. When I write I tend to get absorbed into the characters. I write out a whole conversation without stopping. The next day I’ll go back to edit it and not even believe that I actually wrote it. My characters seem to have a voice of their own. But that’s the awesome thing about writing, you can be someone totally different.

*Where do you draw your inspiration from? Music, mostly. I do this weird thing where I listen to a song and make a story to go with it in my head. I also love to observe people and see their interactions. I find that the best inspiration comes from the people that surround you.*If someone were to look at your bookshelf, what assumptions could they draw about you? That I could start my own library. I seriously have so many books that I’ve had to start storing them under my bed. I love reading and will try anything. If it’s there, then I’ll read it.

*Do you feel a special connection with any characters? I really feel a connection to Sam. She says all the things that I’d be too afraid to say and does things that I couldn’t, she’d be my hero if she actually existed

*Do you tend to baby your characters, or throw them into things? Well I’d say that Sam has been through some tough things, so I guess I’d be the one to throw them into the mix.

*Who else reads your work appart from Wattpad readers? I don’t really like people that I’m close to reading my work. I can’t really explain it, but it’s easier for people to judge the book if they don’t really know the author. So as of now only one person other than Wattpad readers have read my story. That person is my Aunt.

*Are people in your life for or against your writing habbits? Honestly, most people don’t even know I write.

*What's your biggest past time? I don’t really have one.

*How do you fight writer's block? Do serious musical therapy, playlist after playlist.

*Any songs you like to listen to whilst writing? It depends what mood I’m in. I usually like the mellower stuff though.

Encouragin last words? Never stop writing.


I'm a sucker for romances, so I'll start with the bad to put things into persepctive ;)

The lack of showing details is disapointing. In some places, even a quick sentence of what happened between point A and B is left out, sometimes resulting in confusion.Try focusing on showing things more, and remember to explain what's going on - only YOU can see the scene in your head.

You also need to remember to mention who is speaking - even if that person was talking only a paragraph ago. When you only have two people, you only need to mention their name a few times to begin with, then refer to them as "I", "she", "he", etc. However, with any more than two people, you need to name drop at least every other sentence.

The only really evident grammar problems are punctuation and starting a new line before someone else speaks.

A lot of backstory is given, however, you have written it in such away that it becomes important and interesting to the reader, not just long lines of narrative on a page.

I didn't notice too many sentences starting with "I' or a reference to "me". You had a really good pattern when it came to sentences.

The first person POV is really well done, and your balance between internal monologue and actions seems pretty good.

Your dialogue was also natural and smooth, not pained and awkward, which was a relief to say the least :P

Your characters are endearing. They have their own personalities, a way with words, and are not larger than life. I found myself easily connecting with them ^^

And, last of all, you have the gripping romance thing down pat. I couldn't stop reading the entire time =D The way you create questions, and not give too many answers, is excellent!

I shall most defiantly be doing an extended review on this, and am also recommending it! <3

And that folks, was little miss PIxi once again.

Sorry about this taking awhile to get up, my head just wasn't working. But, I overcame that one ^^


awesome; adj - a word used to describe an alien going by the name Pixi

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