Mjabm147 (Antarctica) [Rev+Int]

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Today's author is @Mjabm147

(Yes, I got to you fast :P ).

Interview: [Mjabm147]



*Faveourite Colour:


*When did you start writing?

I began writing when I was 15.

*Do you remember what prompted you to start?

My sisters had moved out of the house, and I was the only child left. Then we moved to a new state, which made me feel even more isolated. So to beat the solitary, I started writing to get lost in my imagination.

*How do you feel your writing has progressed since you first started writing?


*How do you feel connected to the Queen in Antarctica?

A few years ago, I was going through a lot that took a toll on me. There were so many things going on that damaged my emotions that I felt numb to a lot of the world around me. That's where the idea of Antarctica began, and the queen is basically exemplifying who I thought I was and how I felt at the time. So, I am very connected to her character.

*Apart from your readers on Wattpad, who else usually reads your work?

I've shown Antarctica to a few other friends. They seemed like what they've read, so I'm happy about that.

*Who would you never show your work, and why?

I feel like I would never show my work to my coworkers, who I am quite close to. Why? They are quite a judgmental group. It's not that I can't handle a critique, but one person that I let read the first chapter said that it was boring (which was pretty discouraging for a while).

*Do you have any plans to make writing your career?

I'm not sure. For now, I see it as a hobby, and it will always be a favorite hobby of mine. For the profession that I plan to pursue, a grand imagination (and good writing skills) will come in handy.

*When writing, do you tend to envision the scenes as the words flow onto the paper, or do you plan the scene out before hand, and then write it down?

I do both. First, I plan out what I want to happen as landmarks in the story, but in between the pivotal moments, I must fill in the spots in between them (establishing and building up). The "in between" is usually where the envisioning comes into play. So, I do stop and imagine, before I make an attempt to describe the scene as best as I can.

*What's your best tip for fighting writer's block?

Stand up and just walk away from the computer/piece of paper , or whatever you are using (this goes for all artists or anyone who is studying anything in general). Your mind is clouded, and that's why the block has come about. If you can simply take a break and clear your mind of what your doing for that moment, then it should help make way for fresh ideas and thoughts to branch through. So in simpler terms: Just take a break for however long you need, until you feel ready to write again. It's better to write out something that you feel happy with then something that is forced.

*Encouraging last words?

Your writing is only as good as you make it. No matter what people say, let that imagination flow. Also, practice makes perfect. I know for a fact that I need to hone many writing skills, but I know that I've improved how? From simply continuing to write and ask for feedback from other readers and writers. Oh, and keep reading (it always helps improve the writing skills). Another thing that I would like to say is, do not be discouraged if your story does not have as many reads as you would like. That doesn't mean that your story isn't good enough. So no matter what results you receive, or what you do and don't get from this site, believe in what you write and feel good about your abilities and what you can do. ( I believe Wattpad was made for self-improvement, not popularity)

Review: [Antarctica]

After only reading 2 chapters, I can see this story is going to be awesome. The vocabulary used is fresh and descriptive, with no repetitiveness whatsoever.

The allure of a mysterious background of the Emotionless Queen, and the constant question creating at every turn, truly creates a gripping sense that begs you to not stop reading.

The characters are fresh and inviting, each creating a sense of endearment or loathe to the reader.

My only qualms are incorrect use of puncuation, and unbalanced description. In many places, the description is near pefect, but in others, so much attention as been put into describing a motion (for example), that the reader is left confused as to what has been put INTO motion.

All in all, I'm going back to read more. Hence, you may get an extended review later on ^.^ (cool huh?)

This was PiXi, the munching WOM.

Wishing you a very nice day, happy writing, and delicous reading.

May the force be with you

The Humble Opinion of a WOMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora