DrakenTheKraken (Diary of a Forgotten Teen) [Rev+Int]

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Today's author in the lime light is DrakenTheKraken, with her story "Diary of a Forgotten Teen".

Yes, she posted after you all, but she was from the older post :)


*Name Erica


*Favourite Colour Dark Green

*What age did you start writing?

I started writing at 14. Co-writing with my little cousin.

*What inspired you to start writing?

I would just make up stories for people and then one day someone suggested (more like forced) I write them down.

*What events in your life lead you to writing DOFT?

I started taking psychology classes. We were discussing depression and the different ways people get over it. The one thing that wasn't mentioned was how someone could come in and change a person's entire outlook on life.

*What connection do you feel with Blue?

I think Blue embodies the feeling/emotions that some people have that they're afriad to speak of.

*Are other characters in your story based off of people you know? No,I made up all my characters.

*Are any scenes in your story based off of real life events? Nope.

*Why do you think this was the first book you actually finished? I think it's because I had someone other than my cousin rooting for me to finish. I think all the DOFT fans would have been disappointed if I didn't finish it. (I would have been!)

*Do you know which ending you are going to pick yet? I'm going with the first one. I love the second ending but Blue and the others are in the secon dbook, so I kind of need the alive.

*Did you usually plan the scenes out before hand, or write them down as you played them out in your mind?Everything but the last ten parts were planned out.

*Have you let anyone apart from fellow Wattpadians read DOFT? Defiantly not. I would be too nervous to let anyone that I know read it.

*What about your other works? Under this name no. I have another account on Wattpad, which I won't say but on that one I let a friend of mine read it but I really love that story. So it was worth it.

*How do/did you usually fight writers block? When I get writer's block I do 1 of 2 things: 1. Reread everything up until the part where I'm stuck. 2. Put it away for a few days then come back to it. Usually by then I've had time to think it over and figure out what I want to happen.

*Do you have any "brain food"? My brain food is chocolate. When I get frustrated by my story it always relaxes me and help me thnk.

*Encouraging last words? Never stop writing. I've been writing for years but I never liked my stories enough to finish them until DOFT. One failure doesn't mean you won't succeed later on.

I am so agreeding with the last two ^^



It's the first word that comes to mind when I think of "Diary of a Forgotten Teen".

Original. Cool. Gripping

Are several others that come afterwards.

Seriously, you've done an amazing job here. This is THE best Diary Format book I have read on Wattpad (I say that, because I've only read one in real life, and I don't remember it at all).

Even though the entire story is told in the "past format" through the eyes of one, depressed teen, the wording and description just completely paints what's happening in the reader's mind.

Throughout the entire story, we feel Blue's lows and highs, her yearnings and confusion. We hate her for being so depressed, and yet we love her because - well, because she's Blue.

I found this story really hard to stop reading. Heck, I finished the whole thing in 2 days 0.o

Even the grammar problems and incorrect spelling make it seem more - realistic. Because, they're not in your face, and they really make it feel like you are reading the diary entries of a teen.

My ONLY qualm, is the name of the chapters (yup, I'm mad). They are all called "Diary of a forgotten teen", with no numbering. I got really lost several times when returning to read =/

Seriously though, if anyone out there looking for a romantic teen-fic like that will leave you going "Ahhh...", read this!

Your mad as a hatter WOM once again,


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