Bambi_Rivers (Labyrinth) [Rev+Int]

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Name: Bambi_Rivers

Story Title: Labyrinth


Name: Selena

Age: 16

*Fave Colour: Green

*When did you first start writing? When I was in first grade. Actually, I'll tell you an extra tid bit: I was teased because I like to write when I was younger. I got, 'nerd', 'dork' and 'loser' because I was obsessed with writing my own stories and Impressionist paintings when I was six. Mother forker's are going to regret it when I get published (:

*Are you a bookworm? My mother takes my books away as a punishment. I think that says enough.  

*When writing, to you tend to have everything planned out beforehand, or do you imagine the scene in your mind as you write? Planning everything out would be so much easier, but everything I write is spontaneous. It can get frustrating becase I don't know what will come next!

*Any favourite snack you like to munch on whilst working? Mozzarella stick and crackers. Yum.  *What sort of connection to you feel with Astrid? Astrid is an extension of myself when I was younger. She's unbelievably mature and throughout the novel, she begins to lose her sense of emotion. She locks herself up within herself and Jax (who we haven't met) tries to save her from herself. 

*What events in your life made you start writing Labyrinth? I always thought the story of the Minotaur was really cool, but I really started writing Labyrinth after I re-discovered a David Bowie song. He stars in the movie Labyrinth which the story is loosely based on. 

*Where do you draw your inspiration from? My stories always come from real life experiences, which sometimes becomes hard to write. Sometimes inspiration comes through dreams. 

*Do you ever feel the need to write? All the time. I wish I could spend every day writing.

*Any tips for fighting Writer's Block? Take a break. Go outside. Get a cup of coffee. Watch a sitcom. Relax, it isn't the end of the world and eventually it will come to you. Don't stress and don't race to please your fans. 

*Encouraging last words?Writing isn't a talent. Someone isn't born to write. It's merely a skill, never perfected, but always practiced upon. It's a world from reality, a gift. Never forget that. 

And that, my friends, was Bambi_Rivers ;) Thanking you!


Wow. That's all I was thinking whilst reading from chapter 0 to chapter 1.

OK, actually, I lied. I wasn't really thinking while reading this. It was so gripping, and so "more-ish", I didn't think "Wow" till a very rude blue link appeared at the bottom of the page, interrupting me from my gripped moment.

Seriously though, this is a REALLY well written piece of work. It's in first person, but you can barely tell. In a good way.The whole thing just grips you from start to finish.

The idea is fresh and original, the vocabulary is beautiful...

Even the little definition at the start is cool, I can imagine it at the start of the chapter in a real book... ^^

The ONLY thing that lets the you down, is the grammar! There were a few places where it was so bad, I had to stop and re-read the paragraph over again to regain my bearings.

But please don't let that stop everyone out there from reading this story, because it is TRULY amazing.

My only other disappointment is that there are only 2 chapters :( You really need to write more!

Ending another Munchie! (TWO in one day!! WOW! O.0 )


And so, there were none

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