DarkestZombie (Project Y) [Rev+Int]

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Interviewee: DarkestZombie (originally JoeyJdog)

Reviewee: Project Y


*Name Joe Dench

Age 17

*Favourite Colour Green

*What age did you first start writing? 15

*What sparked your interest? My friend wrote a rap and he read it at a poetry contest so I tested myself to see if I could write a song, then went on from there.

*Has everyone in your life been favourable towards your writing interests? Yes and no.

*Where do you draw your inspiration from? My dreams and zombies lol.

*Any snacks you usually  like to munch on whilst writing? I don't eat many snacks, I drink a lot though so usually a BIG bottle of water.

*Who else reads your work apart from fellow Wattpadians? Not a lot of people. A few people here and there I suppose.

*How did you find Wattpad? I go on this site called Myyearbook.com and I saw somebody post something there so I was like "That sounds interesting let's check it out!" And here I stand before you.

*What are your reading habits? Uhm...if you're asking how often I read I read most of the day unless there's a really good T.V. show on or when I babysit. Or mow the lawn.

*Do you feel any connection with Redford? A small one yes. I put a little of myself into each character.

*What inspired you to write Project Y? I was bored one night so I decided to type something up randomly. Next thing I knew I was on chapter six and sketching out ideas for more chapters.

*Do you have any plans of getting published? I sure hope so! That's my goal anyway, but will it happen? Only time will tell.

*Do you usually plan everything out before you begin writing, let it all come to you, or play the scene out in your head as the words flow onto the page? I let it come to me or let the scenes play out in my head. I have a nearly photographic memory so I can remember a single chapter playing for days so I just hit pause rewind and play then write it out. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much.

*How do you usually fight writer's block? I force myself to write. Or read. Then, as ideas flow in, writer's block just gives up and goes back to sleep Z_Z

*Any encouraging last words? Not sure what you mean by your final question, but I will say you're an awesome editor and thank you so much! You're funny and just an awesome person. Thanks for the feedback and the new ideas and I will be fixing it up majorly as soon as I can.

And that, people, was JoeyJdog

NB: JoeyJdog recently changed his name to "DarkestZombie", hence the little mixup :)


Good points: Gripping idea, action filled, zombie madness. An awesomely original idea, coupled with a fresh vocabulary.

Good dialogue, also in the third person (differing from the majority). It even has good grammar.

There's conflict from the get go, and the allure of something bigger. It really has the promise of a "don't put me down!" read.

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