ChasingNeverland (Remembering Sunday) [Rev+Int]

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Author: ChasingNeverland

Work [Watty's!!]: Remember Sunday


Name: Tandice

Age: 16

Fave Colour: It rotates between blue, purple, green, and that orange-pink known as coral.

Fave Band: I honestly ask myself this question all the time. I'd have to say The Beatles at the moment<3

What Age/Grade Were You When You Started Writing? Urm...I don't remember. I know I really started to finish things in the 8th grade, creating whole stories that are embarrassingly horrid. (:

What Prompted You to Start? I've always been a reader, and I guess I finally became tired of stories not going my way. So I created my own stories that I could control.

Do you feel you have advanced since you started? Pahah! Yes! I'd have to thank the multiple writing classes I've taken since then! (I really was horrible).

Where do you draw your inspiration from? It honestly depends on the story. Sometimes I write them to songs, or they're from dreams, or they're a very fictionalized version of my own life.

What opinion could people form about you if they looked at your bookshelf? That I love romance and fantasy and I was once a Twi-Hard fan but have moved on to better Vampire/Werewolf series.

What inspired you to write Remembering Sunday? The song by All Time Low. I was listening to their CD and I could just see specific things unfolding in my mind. Suddenly I just started to write with the music.

What was it like writing from a guy's POV? It was rather difficult, and yet it was easy. I grew up with guys, so I have the small basis of how they think, but I'm still a girl and my girly thoughts slipped in a few times. I'm glad I chose to write from the Male side.

Have you based the characters off of anyone? Just my imagination. Chandler was my dream best friend, the perfect guy friend for me. (:

Do you feel any connections with your characters? With Sunday, a little bit. She's that older sister who cares for her baby sister and I'm that same way with my siblings.

Are your characters words or real? I'm not sure what you mean by this.

Did you base any scenes off of real life experience? Not in this story.

Do you have big plans for RS, or is it all still blurry right now? No major plans for Remembering Sunday, just working on the sequel right now and waiting to see how I do in the Watty Awards

How did you find Wattpad? Google! :D

Who else reads your works apart from Wattpad users? Some of my friends, but they all have Wattpad accounts now to support my works! (:

Is writing your major past time? Yes!

Are you creative in any other areas? I make bracelets, I draw, I play music, and I sing...does that count?

When is your best time to write? Your worst? My best time to write is when I first get an idea, even if it's just a sentence because then I go into this frenzy and I spend hours developing the idea, even if I don't use it until 6 months later. The worst time for me to write is in the middle of the night because I won't stop until I'm dead tired or until I I get in trouble.

Do you tend to imagine the scenes as your write, or plan them beforehand? I do both. I'll imagine the scene and then I'll write down specific details I want and then I'll plan it out before I expand upon it.

How do you fight writers block? One of my favourite authors once wrote that there is no such thing as writer's block when you're an author. You just have to work through it, even if you have to change things in the end. But when I do come to a bump in the road I look through pictures, reread what I've already gotten and then just push through the block.

Any brainfood/drinks? A nice Popsicle is the best. Or popcorn if you're not afraid of getting your keyboard gross. (with popcorn it's like writing a movie in your head!)

Do you ever feel like you just HAVE to write? No. I write because I love to. I make time to write because it take away stress. If it comes to the point that I HAVE to write then it will lose it's meaning.

What is THE main reason you write? To rid myself of stress. When I'm stressed out about something I'll just take a breather, turn to my computer and pull up any unfinished chapters, and I'll just write. A lot of times it helps with how I put emotion into my work.

Encouraging last words? Don't quit. Just because someone said something bad about your story doesn't mean it's terrible. And don't take criticism too harshly. Write for you and no one else. If people like it-Fantastic! If they don't-Forget them! Writing is about you (I don't care what anyone else says, it's gotten me this far.) When your story isn't getting the attention you'd like, that doesn't mean that it's horrible, it means you need to promote. Don't give up because of the ratings. (: Robin Williams was voted least likely to succeed in high school and look at where he is now!

Thank you! :)


I loved this story. It was sweet, romantic, gripping, balanced, sad, and funny, all in one bundle.

My only negative points were:

Confusing dialogue in places. It was mainly wording making me having to read twice to figure out who was talking.

Conflicting sentences. I don't have an example for this one, but there were just things you said that didn't make sense.

The normal typos. Thee instead of the, began instead of begin, etc etc.

But everything, EVERYTHING else was just - wow. The first person was awesome, I could feel the guy's emotions ripping through my own body, and yet did not feel suffocated by them

The characters were three dimensional and lively - they had personalities and emotions and were doing what they were meant to do.

The dialogue was natural and flowed beautifully.

The description was balanced and informative, with lovely word choices to match. Though I did notice your favourite time frame was "a week and a half later" ;) .

Someone said the story felt cliche. OK, so, the idea of, "I'm in love with my best friend, but they're dating someone else/don't want to ruin the relationship" etc etc is becoming more popular.

However, you had your own little twist on this, and I liked that. Just because an idea has been used before, if you're not writing stories that people can instantly think of at least 3 that are almost carbon copies, then you're "cliche" is not that cliche. It's been used before, but it's YOUR OWN.

I also believe that, anyone who can write a sad ending, is amazing. Whether people admit it or not, we always want the "good guy" to win. We want to watch the characters beat all the odds.

When you kill a character we love dearly, you leave a mark on your readers hearts. I'm still going "but if only...". But if only what? It happens all the time in real life, and no one can ever do anything about it.

So when I see people writing sad endings, or ones that don't all line up, I think they're very brave.

I apologies to the fact that this doesn't go that in depth. But I do not know what to expand on, as this was just really amazing.

AND TO ALL YOU READERS OUT THERE! This is in the Watty Awards, so go and read and vote and comment and share and fan and help her out!

Apologies to how dreadfully LONG this took. As we know, Wattpad went on a munching fest =/


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