The Tattooed Prince(17)

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I should've taken Sophia's offer and bailed school today.

I had woken up feeling awful today. Last night's argument with Sebastian drained the living soul out of me. I didn't know what to think at this point. I wanted to be beyond mad with him, but I couldn't find myself hating him one bit. I was disappointment he did a foolish mistake like that to me. Especially now that feelings had begun to grow between us. 

Or maybe it just you. He clearly is still head-over heels for Madison. If he was over her, he wouldn't have seen her in England behind your back. 

I groaned quietly, rubbing my eyes with my fingers. For a minute I needed to stop thinking about Madison and Sebastian. I wasn't feeling good and instead of calling Sophia, I was in class agonizing over the fact that my husband is a cheater. I raised my hand up hoping the teacher would pay attention to me quickly. 

Ms. Western placed her book down and looked straight at me. "Yes Adalyn?" She spoke out.

"Can I please go to the restroom?" I almost pleaded. 

She nodded and got back to her book. I stood up and walked out the classroom in a heartbeat. I kept myself close to the cold wall. It felt soothing against my burning flesh. I knew I wasn't well but I didn't know what to do. If I were to go the nurse she would call Sophia, and she was on the other side of town today. Diana and Natalie were on their lunch break, the only person I could call was Sebastian, but we weren't in good terms. 

I leaned against the wall and pulled out my phone. There was always going to come a time where you have to suck up your pride, and ask for help. I dialed Sebastian number and called him. 

"Hey Adalyn!" I heard someone call out for me. 

I lowered the phone from my ear and ended the call. I turned around to see Madison a few feet away from me. Seeing her there made me want to punch her. The nerve she had to talk to me after the scandal she is putting Sebastian in.

"What do you want Madison?" I sighed. 

She stepped closer to me until we were nose to nose. "We have to talk," 

We have to talk, talk about what? If I were to talk to her, it would lead to my fist in her face. I smiled to myself imagining the feeling I would get if I were to hit her. She would probably go bonkers.

I nodded. "Okay then, go on." 

"Have you opened your eyes yet or are you still certain you can keep Sebastian?" She asked me curiously.

I chuckled. "You're not damaging me Madison, you're hurting Sebastian. He is on a thin line to not becoming the king just because of you," I slithered.

Her goal was to hurt me, sadly she wasn't hurting me. She was causing pain to Sebastian. Earlier this morning I overheard Sophia and King Carlos speaking about him. They believed that he probably wasn't suited to be King if he couldn't stay faithful to his own wife. Since the beginning I always saw this coming, Sebastian cheating on me, but I thought he would be sneaky about it. I never expected to have the media involve in my non-existent relationship. 

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