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i take a deep as i make my way up the bleachers, sitting in the middle of the senior class. i adjust my t-shirt, smiling because jamie convinced the principal to make it a casual dress day.

i constantly play with my fingers and pick at my fingernails throughout the entire assembly, waiting for the end to come.

"now, we have a fun little conpetition for two seniors," jamie announces and the seniors go wild. "which two should we choose girls?"

the cheerleading team runs into the gym, cheering and the entire gym starts to cheer with them, including me. mel looks at me and winks, and i smile and blush.

"bro, did you see that?! mel anderson just winked at me?!" the guy next to me says and i hold back my laughter.

"you are so totally gonna hook up with her at calvins party friday night," another guy says and bite my lip.

"calvin smith and calum hood!" the girls cheer and i stand up, making my way to the gym floor. i quickly walk to erin and she engulfs me in a hug, as well as a few other girls. calvin stands a few feet away from me and i smirk, knowing he wont be too happy about this.

"lets pick a category for the boys to compete in," jamie says and sticks her hand into a bucket, pulling out a slip of paper. "gymnastics!" 

the cheerleaders squeal and i giggle, clasping my hands together.

"who would like to go first?" jamie asks and i bow my head, stepping backwards. calvin steps forward and does a simple, but horrible, cartwheel.

"is that all you got?" erin says and the rest of the girls snicker.

"i doubt calum could do any better," calvin scoffs and i laugh. i step foreword and position myself so i have more than enough room to do three back handsprings. i start to run and plant my feet to do a round off, and pounce into a back handspring. again, then again, and even stick the landing.

the students in the bleachers go wild and i jog back over to the cheerleaders.

"calum that was fucking amazing!" mel says to me. i smile wide and am squished into a group hug.

"wow, calum," calvin says to me and the crowd quiets doen. he grabs the microphone from jamie and i look at him, "ive fallen for you, and i just fell harder.

the students in the bleachers coo and i scoff before i respond. "well you better get the fuck up, how many times do i have to tell you that im with michael?"

the crowd roars once again and jamie snatches the microphone from calvin. his mouth hangs open and he stares at me like i suddenly grew three heads. i probably did due to the fact how big my self confidence is now. the bell rings and i smirk, walking out of the gym and to my locker. i grab my phone to see if i have any messages.

michael: if your friends really want to meet me just have them walk out of school with you.

i gasp and squeal, shoving my things into my backpack. i spot mel and rush over to her, smiling wide. "michaels here! hes picking me up!"

i grab her hand and drag her out of the building. i spot michael and run up to him, still pulling mel with me. i drop her hand as i throw my arms around michaels neck, and lacing my fingers into his hair.

"michael what the fuck!" i say and press my lips to his.

"i told you i had vacation days," he tells me and chuckles.

"so cal, erin getting irritated and is about to drive away with out me..." mel says and i blush.

"sorry yeah, you can go," i tell her amd she waves to me and michael as she walks away.

"mmm," michael hums in my ear and pulls me close, "i hope youre ready for these next few days."


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