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☁︎the next day + daniel top/side☁︎
i walk out of my fourth class of the day to see michael shaking hands with the principal. i frown and walk over to the office, and wait for him to come out. as soon as he steps out of the office, i grab onto his shirt sleeve and spin him to face me.

"shouldnt you be in class?" michael asks me and i roll my eyes.

"shouldnt you be at my apartment sleeping?" i shoot back at him and he laughs.

"i should, but i just got offered a job here and i took it," michael announces with a proud smile on his face. i tightly wrap my arms around his neck and hug him.

i feel a light tap on my shoulder and release michael from my death grip of a hug.

"oh, hey daniel," i say and smile at the tall brunet. "this is my boyfriend michael."

daniel shyly smiles as he shakes michaels hand, and then grips his backpack straps. "s-so, can we head to cl-class now?"

"yeah, sure," i tell him and kiss michael on the cheek. "i'll see you after school, mikey. i love you."

i head off to class, blushing as michael yells out that he loves me as well. i sit down in my class and doodle on my notebook the entire time.

the bell rings, signaling lunch, and daniel turns to me. "can i, uh, s-sit with you at l-lunch?"

"of course you can daniel," i tell him and he smiles at me, blushing a bit. "and you shouldnt be scared of the girls, theyre really nice."

we make our way to the lunch room, grab some not-half-bad cafeteria food, and sit down at my usual table.

"are you sure they wont mind me being here?" daniel asks, fiddling with his thumbs and chewing his lower lip. i slip my hand in between his to comfort him.

"im sure," i reassuringly tell him. daniel and the cheerleaders make small talk all throughout lunch and i smile, as i watch daniel relax a bit. i notice his glasses slipping down his nose and push them back up, taking him by surprise. "oh, sorry i didnt mean to scare you or anything."

he shakes his head slightly and perks up at the sound of his name. we both turn to see mel wiggling her eyebrows at us.

"i dont think michael would be too happy seeing you hold hands with another guy, cal," mel tells me amd i shrug, giving daniels hand a squeeze.

"good thing he wont see," i say and mel rolls her eyes.


"so how was your day at school?" michael asks as i slide into the passenger seat. i lean across the console and kiss his cheek.

"wonderful," i tell him and he smiles, driving away.

t h i s  w a s  s o  b o r i n g  i m  s o r r y , b u t  i  h a d  t o  g e t  d a n i e l  i n  t h i s. also im thinking of doing shorter chapters and updating more often (: - MC

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