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"so," i say loudly on mels ear. she jumps and her biology book falls out of her hands.

"jesus fuck, calum. dont scare me that," shes says and picks up her book.

i giggle and mumble sorry. i feel a tap on my shoulder and a girl ive never seen before starts to talk to me when i turn around. "hi im christy and i was wondering if i could ask you a few questions?"

"sure," i say and smile.

"oh for fucks sake," mel mumbles and i frown at her.

"how do you feel about gays?" she asks me in all seriousness.

"well, since i am a gay male, i feel like they are cool people," i say and her eyes widen.

"well how do you feel about anal sex?" she asks and i hold back my laughter.

"according to all heterosexuals, i am turning my butthole into a playground," i tell her. "and i think that is a fantastic thing."

"see christy? i dont think he would want to join your jesus club," mel tells her and i laugh.

we walk away from the stunned girl and into the hallway.

"where the fuck is calum!" a voice booms through the hallway. calvin spots me and storms towards me.

"hey! hey!" michael shouts and grabs his tshirt when he is a few feet from me.

"calum did nothing wrong. it was all me," michael says and calvin, tries to make himself look larger than michael, but fails.

"what happened?" i ask and calvin turns towards me.

"you boyfriend here completely embarrassed me in class today," calvin sneers and i roll my eyes.

"so what? am i suppose to care?" i say and calvin yanks himself out of michaels grip.

"youre going to regret everything youve ever done, fag," he says to me and i frown.

"how can you call me a fag when youve been hitting on me since i got here?" i say and he turns towards me.

"i thought you were a girl. but no, youre a fucking ugly boy," he says and i roll my eyes, ignoring the hurt in my heart.

"why dont you go fuck your sister and leave calum alone?" mel says when i dont respond. calvin pushes away and the crowd starts to disperse.

i walk to my next class and i barely sit down before i an called to the office, along with calvin. i sit down in a chair in the principals office with calvin next to me.

"can you tell me what that fight was about?" the principal asks and i reply before calvin.

"it wasnt a fight, merely an argument," i say and the principal looks at me weird.

"are you sure? i dont need any physical fights happening," the principal asks wearily. i nod my head and so does calvin. i head back to class, but before i can get there im pushed up against the lockers.

"you better watch your fucking back. i will have you completely ruined," calvin threatens.

"ive heard that one before," i say and wiggle out of his grip, walking back to class.

this is shitty im sorry this is not good work but im working on another story to post tho *wiggles eyebrows* - MC

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