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michael walks into the school with us. his hand is on the middle of my back, like i need guidance. jamie spots us and smiles.

"you guys make me sick. so cute its not okay," she says and michael chuckles. i lean into his side and he kisses the top of my head. jamie pretends to vomit and i slap her arm.

"i could easily hook you up with someone, jamie," I tell her and the hall starts to fill with students.

"bye babe," michael whispers into my ear and walks to his classroom.

i blush and jamie looks at me like shes about to rip my head off. i make a face at her and she rolls her eyes. "so, are you going to help me or not."

"of course. now, who do we need to set you up with?" i ask and jamie pulls me close to her.

"spencer calvins friend or mel," she says and pushes she slightly away from her so she can get a look at my face. i smirk and she starts to blush.

"i am totally going with the second option," i tell her. "im going to hang out with mel and see if she likes you."

"i dont know if i should thank you or smack you," she says to me and pulls me along with her to our first class.


"so," i say to mel after talking to mel for a little over an hour in starbucks. (cliche i know im sorry) mel looks up from her phone and raises her eyebrows a bit. "do you like anyone?"

"o-oh," mel says and looks down to her phone. "kinda...yeah."

"who?" i immediately ask and she looks down in her lap.

"i dont care who you like, just please tell me," i urge and she sighs.

"you wont want me to date them though," she says and i eye her for a few moments.

"is it calvin?" i ask wearily and her eyes go huge.

"i would rather date hitler than date him," she scoffs.

"good thing hitlers dead," i mumble and look back up to her. "so who is it?"

i feel a light tap on my shoulder and i look up to see jamie.

"hey, what are you doing here?" i ask and she hands me a few papers.

"i want you to try out for the school play," she says and smiles. i blush, thanking about what michael did to me on that stage. i chuckle lightly, and bite my lip at the thought of cumming three times in a row again.

"what has you looking so blushy?" mel asks and jamie ruffles my hair. i glare up at her and lazily fix my hair.

"michael," i mumble and jamie rolls her eyes.

"of course. anyway, you should try out," jamie tells me and smiles at mel before she leaves.

"she literally came to starbucks just to give me these," i say. mel nods her head and looks a bit spaced off. "oh my god. its jamie isnt it."

"no!" mel says a bit too loudly. she shrinks down into her seat before replying. "im not gay."

"youre saying it like being gay is a bad thing," i deadpan and she gives me an apologetic look.

she groans and stands up. "can we go?"

"fine. youre still telling me," i say and grab my drink while pushing in my chair.

i have no idea where this is going. but hey its my birthday and i will (hopefully) be able to operate a car by the end of the day - MC

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