Chapter 26

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"Me? You owe me your life?" I asked him.

"Yes." Is all he said.


"You spared my life."

"I did?" I asked him.

"We were attacking you and your brother. You walked up to me. Barely touched me."

I thought back to that day.

"Go ahead, Dragon, try to kill me. I can guarantee that you'll fail." The Boss said.

I looked at him, seeing truth in his eyes. Instead of breathing fire, I calmly walked up to him. His men had now stopped fighting to watch, along with my brother.

The Boss stiffened when I brought my nose down to his level. I took a step forward so my nose was just inches from his face. Fear came off him in waves. He was afraid because a dragon has never done this to him before.

"You were scared that day. Scared that I'd kill you. Scared that you'd die." I inched my way toward the door of the tent

"Yes I was. I was scared of you. Never had I been so scared in my life." The Boss said.

There was a loud boom outside and people started to scream. The Boss darted past me and out the tent. I ran out after him to see fire everywhere. There was a massive sky blue dragon a hundred feet away. I tried to shift to my true form but it was blocked.

"Hey!" I yelled at it. It's mammoth sized body turned toward me. Its white eyes looking into my blue ones.

"What? They're killing us!" The Dragon said in our native tongue.

"So! You're going to drop to their level and kill them? Why not show them that we are the better species instead? Show them that we are better than they are." I walked toward the Dragon. "They think that because they can kill us that they are superior. Why not show them that we are superior by showing them that we can stop from killing? That we have the ability to not kill them." I was so close to the Dragon now that I could touch it. I was still trying to get into my true form but felt nothing.

The Dragon opened his mouth to say more but at that moment he dropped to the ground, dead. The Boss was on the Dragon's other side. His blade was red from tip to hilt. I felt anger rising within me. My Dragon side stirred.

"I showed you mercy once. I will not do it again." I said to The Boss.

"You're not going to do anything Sam. You're too weak." He said with a smug look on his face.

I smiled at him as I pulled my Dragon forward and shed my human skin. I lunged as The Boss raised his sword.

Cliff hanger! I know. It sucks, but next chapter will be good. I promise!

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