Chapter One

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Three years ago

  I wondered the halls, not too far outside Padme's room, just casually observing the surroundings. This place was very spacious, the halls at least. While the rooms were large as well along with the building itself being extravagantly designed.

   I, on the other hand, was mostly raised in the Jedi temple. Hardly ever leaving Corescaunt. Though, now I am here on Alderaan, and its where I have been for many months now.
  I wore a light grey dress, with the same light grey tights underneath and dark boots. A long white robe was draped over me, my hood down. A blaster hung from my waist, with my lightsaber opposite from it. My dark brown hair that almost resembled black, flows freely with the same natural curls I've welcomed everyday of my entire existence.
"Nico" a male voice calls in a hushed tone from behind.

  I look over my shoulder as I turn on my heel, a smile creeping up to my cheek bones almost immediately once I found who it was before me.
    "Obi" I beam happily, now grinning widely at the man labeled as my cousin who stood at afar. A respectful distance in space between us. Well, at least that is what he would deem, but for me, I prefer a more closer aproximity. "They told me that you would be coming, I just didn't know when to expect." I mutter, taking small steps in order to shorten the space between us.

  He extended his hand out to greet me, but I brushed off the handshake. Going in for a much desired hug instead. "Its been so long." I mumbled into the shoulder of his cloak. Arms tightly hung around his neck, and toes pointed down onto their tips in order to reach him.
  He gently hugs me back, "still the hugger I see?" He questions jokingly, sending a chill of vibrations down my spine at the sound of his lovely voice.

I pull away abruptly, still grinning. "I've missed you."

  Obi nods, but doesn't respond on the matter. Instead, he turns to the side, revealing a young man I know so well already. "This is Anakin Skywalker" he tells me, introducing the tall beautiful man who stands behind him.

  Still looking just as sexy in that all black outfit, a long black robe matching everything, even his shoes. His brown curly hair that reached his shoulders was perfect in every way. I remember him. Even without an introduction, I would remember him. How could I forget after all? We used to know one another so well. And then, we didn't.

   I smiled at him kindly, as did he, a flash of recignization crosses his ocean blue eyes. He was my childhood friend. "Hello Anakin" I greet, "its been a while." Staring into his eyes excitedly. Remembering the times we battled together, when we trained and snuck out during the nights, when we were just children.

"It certainly has." He nods, confirming my words, before asking, "are you going to hug me too Nicolette?" the way my name falls onto his tongue, never fails to give me frightening tingles, the way it always has. Things I've only ever experienced with him.

  "If that is what you prefer" I smirk devilishly, but instead, I extend my hand. Figuring its best to reunite without any overfreindly welcomings. After all, it has been so long. I can hardly remember the day I actually left.

  He takes it without hesitation, eyes flickering down at my hand, and then back up to look into my plain brown eyes. Shaking my hand all sweet like. And as his skin pressed against mine, a warm feeling spreads throughout my body. Up my arm and down my chest, all the way to the tips of my toes. Surrounding my heart in a flutter.
  Looking from our interlocked hands, I move my eyes back up to him. Finding Anakin to already of been gazing down at me warmly. A small smile set on his plump lips.

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