Chapter Seven

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I was so glad that whole dramatic part was over. Padme always worried me, and with the fact that she'd been pregnant, worried me even more.

I didn't have any other place to go, so I'd just wondered back into my chambers, not entirely wanting anyone realizing that I was pregnant.

Once back into the room, I poured myself a glass of water before sitting down on the couch. I was exhausted, with all the running around, helping Padme and Declyn.

I wanted to wait for Anakin to return and to be awake when he did. Though I was tired, and carrying a baby didn't help much either. My energy was lower than normal.

I set the glass onto the small table next to the couch. Snuggling against the pillows, I ready myself for a peaceful slumber. Though, just as I was drifting off into that relaxation, my ears catch the sound of a knock coming from the door.

I groan in annoyance. "Its open!" I shout, not moving from my position.

Obi steps inside my room, a blank expression written across his face.

I attempt to rise from my current position on the couch, trying not to show the struggle. "That won't be necessary Nico" he tells me walking over to stand in front of me.

I wrap the robe around my stomach loosely, hiding the medium sized baby bump. "Yes?" I ask curious.

"Have you heard of Anakin recently?" He asks me conernly.

I shake my head, "not for the past few hours, he's with the Chancellor. Is everything okay Obi?" I ask him in return. Feeling uneasy for my friend.

I all of a sudden feel a jolt in my stomach. I raise my hand quickly, covering my mouth. I come to my feet, racing into the bathroom. I dropped to my knees in front of the toilet, letting it fall from my mouth. I vomited quickly, and for a long time.
I've never really enjoyed vomiting. I hated the feeling of my stomach rolling, struggling to release that substances it couldn't digest. And the feeling of the acid coming up my throat along with the food as well. It'd always burned my throat afterwards.

I felt Obi's presence near. He grabbed my hair, holding it back while I did what I hated most.
After I was finished, I flushed the toilet and rose to my feet once more. Making my way toward the sink and washing my mouth down with a cloth.

I ignored Obi as if he weren't there, walking back over to the couch and taking my water in hand, gulping at it to quench the awful taste.

After I placed the glass back onto the table, I glanced towards Obi, finding him leaning against the bathroom door, his arms crossed.

"Is everything okay with you Nico?" He asks with a chuckle."You must be getting sick" he concludes.

"Yes, it seems that way" I smile at my mischief, for he hadn't noticed my bulging stomach just yet.

I plopped back down onto the couch, waiting for Obi to tell me why he's really here.

"I'm worried for Anakin" he begins, "he's been spending an offal lot of time with the Chancellor" he tells me worriedly.

"Well yes, That is what you have asked for him? To spy" I confirm.

"Well, yes. But the chancellor is calling for him more and more as the days go by" he adds suspiciously. "I believe the chancellor is secretly going against the republic"

I sigh deeply. "Obi, you are only just over reacting" I explain. "You're paranoid for him. Anakin is a strong willed man, he knows right from wrong" I assure. "I'm sure everything is just fine".

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