Chapter Five

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"The Senate are expected to vote more power under the chancellor tonight" Obi reports us.

"Then that can mean less deliberating and more action. Is that bad?" Anakin questions.

"It'll make it a lot easier to win this war" I shrug.

"Be aware of your friend Palpatine" Obi warns.

"Aware of?" Anakin repeats with concern.

"He requested your presence" I inform him, standing to my feet.


"He did not say" I sigh, moving toward where Obi stands. "Which means he did not inform the council. A bit strange, huh?" I add, looking between the two men for answers.

"All of this is strange" Obi corrects as he begins to walk up the steps with Anakin and I right behind him.
"I agree, be careful" I tell Anakin.

He rolls his eyes as if not caring for my words. I catch him glance down at my stomach before leaving for the chancellor.

Obi walks me to Padme's room before we dissolve in different directions. I was no longer on the assignment of looking over Padme, the Jedi council always sent me on assignments with Anakin and Obi, we were all partners now.

Entering Padme's room, I find her speaking to a man around our age that I couldn't identify.
I stand in the background against the door, as I watch them curiously on her balcony. The man wore a robe, like the ones a Jedi would normally wear, which upped my suspicion more.

The man leans over and pressed a lingering kiss into Padme's forehead. She throws her arms around him happily with a smile on her face as they hug for a few seconds before letting one another go.

As the man turns to leave, he catches eye of me. I notice the light sabor he carries, hooked to his belt. He stops in place, as if he'd been caught. Because I'll 'totally' snitch on him.
Though, I might as well have some fun.

"What's your name, kid?" I ask him, taking slow dramatic steps toward his frozen figure.

"D-Declyn Solo" he replies hoarsely.

I notice Padme in the background, holding her hand over her mouth, holding back the laughs.

"Do you know, Declyn, the code for possessions and such?" I question, now standing in front of the trembling man, intimidating him although he is much taller than me.

"I-its not what it looks like ma'am!" he rejects.

I narrow my eyes at Declyn. "Oh really now? Because to me it looks as if you and Ms.Padme have a sort of romance going" I interrogate him.

He takes a step back. "Do you know what I'm going to have to do? Declyn?" I sigh.

"No,P-Please don't" he begs giving me a sad look.

A small smile travels to the corner of my lips at his adorableness. "Nothing, because I don't really care actually" I shrug calmly.

Declyn let's out a huff of relief before stopping and lifting a brow, "wait...what?".

I roll my eyes, shaking his question off and moving toward Padme. "How are you Nico?" She greets me kindly, a smile on her face.

"Well other than the fact that I'm preg-" I begin.

"Wait. Your Nico? As in Nicolette Tate? As in one of the grandest Jedi knights?!" Declyn says excitedly.

"Um, yes?" I correct his assumption before turning back to Padme. "As I was say-" I try again

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