Chapter Nine

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A/N: Nicolette's outfit to the side!



I awoke in a dark room, the lights were surely off. For some reason unknown. I was laid in a soft bed, thin sheets were draped over my numb body.
I wanted to move, but something told me not to. I couldn't feel anything. Nothing, not even the force. It was like, for the first time, the force was not with me.

I could tell I was no longer on a planet. I was in a ship, I felt no weight with the gravity, nothing.

"Anakin" I called out, hoping to hear his angelic voice echo throughout the air.

But I heard silence. I got nothing but the sound of my own breath and hum of the ships radiators. I pressed back into the soft pillows. I was already way too deep in this, there wasn't any backing out now.

After awhile I willed myself to sleep, there wasn't much I could do seeing since I was on medicine that took away the pains after my birthing experience. I dreamed of my babies, all three of them.

Anakin, Luke, Leia and myself were all together, happy and free. There was no such thing as evil, the Jedi code, or even heartbreak. Everything seemed at ease, perfect even. Until I was woken up, rather rudely at that.

I felt shaking. A firm grip was placed within my shoulders, gripping on tightly as if you were hanging on for dear life. There was a force so violent and cruel my eyes snapped open. And the shaking me back and forth, attempting to wake me, had subsided.

My vision was blurred, slowly coming back to the way it had been. I blink a couple times before meeting two black eyes of such. A black mask at that really. An entire black uniform. I jumped back in sudden fear.

"Stay away" I growled defensively, grabbing ahold of one of the pillows. "I'm not afraid to use this!" I threaten, shoving the pillow in its face-like figure.

"It's a pillow" its deep voice said matter of factly.

I glowered at his smartself. Taking the fun out of this situation.

"Its me. Anakin" the deep metallic voice tells me.

I scowl up at him. "Take off that stupid mask" I demand like a mother would.

Anakin does as told, removing the large black headgear. Leaving me with the sight of not the sparkling blue eyes I fell in love with. But the eyes of someone else, he had bags, dark circles around them with yellow orbs and the veins around the cornea were more visible than ever.

"Anakin" I sigh lowly, moving closer to him, I grab onto his hand, while my free hand stroked his cheeks. "What have they done to you" I ask on the verge of tears.

He turns his head away. "Do not cry for me, Nico" he tells me, avoiding my gaze. "I feel better than ever before" he grins, turning back over to me and pressing his forehead against my own.

I frown at his words. "T-The baby... How did I get here?" I question him.

"Obi-Wan contacted me after your operation... He told me everything" Anakin explains sadly, closing his eyes and breathing deeply.

I shake my head, not wanting the tears to fall. "I-It... The baby didn't make it, Ani... It was a boy" I inform him as sadly as I could. "Its all my fault" I admit, tears trickling down my cheeks

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