Chapter Six

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That night, I lay in the bed Anakin and I share, only Anakin wasn't here.

After his little bubble burst earlier, he ran off and I haven't seen him sense. I'd gone to Padme's room, looking for someone to talk to since she was my only girl friend. But when I'd gotten there, she was no where to be seen. Obi was busy with other business in which he didn't want to be disturbed. And I couldn't go to the bar being that I was carrying Anakin's child inside of me.
So now I lay in a bed made for two, alone. Because the one I've risked everything for, seems to be giving up. Or at least it is what I believe. I keep feeling this sort of vibe with him, as if he is lost, doesn't know who to turn to, or who to trust. Even though he knew that I'd always be on his side no matter what the choice was.

I heard the door click shut quietly from behind. I was facing the balcony as the door wasn't in my line of sight. I could tell by the heavy footsteps that it was Anakin, I closed my eyes as I felt his presence near quickly, Pretending to be asleep.

I could feel his presence now standing just in front if my 'sleeping' form. He knelt down, letting out a huff of breath in the process.
He placed his large hand on to the thin blanket, over my stomach. I cracked my eye lids just a bit, enough for me to make out what was happening, and the way he looked. But not enough to notice that I was faking my slumber.

"What am I going to do?" He asked himself silently.

"I have to protect your mother. And I don't even think I can do that anymore" he added, a look of despair in his tired eyes.

He'd started to lose faith in himself, and that scared me.
I groan, as if I'm having a dream. And move just a bit, stretching like I was on he verge of waking.

I feel Anakins eyes move from my stomach, to my face. "You're so beautiful Nico" he whispers sweetly. "I don't think I could ever let you go"

"Anakin" I whisper, opening my eyes fully, staring back into his sparkling blue ones. "Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Nothing" he shakes his head, grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers together.

I sigh heavily. "What if we're on the wrong side?" I question as I play with his fingers.
I look up into his gaze, finding a confusing look.

"If the democracy we thought we were serving... Doesn't exist anymore?" I look away. "And if the Republic is actually the rodent we've been trying to rid of all this time" I add slowly.

"I don't believe that for a second" he says. "You're sounding like a serpatist" he scolds.

"Just a thought" I shrug, looking back up to him. I find again that uneasy look in his eyes. "what is really wrong Anakin" I sigh sadly.

"Its nothing" he looks away, standing back to his full height. I watch as he begins walking away, I don't waste another minute. Crawling out of bed, I struggle to stand to my feet, for my tummy was growing more and more.

"Anakin" I say sternly. "Don't shut me out, do not leave me in this eternal darkness. I'm here for you, no matter what the case is I want to help!" I say, grabbing onto his upper arm lightly.

Anakin spins around, standing only inches apart he stares down at me. No emotion. "What am I doing wrong?" I question lowly.

"Let us sleep" he directs, leading me to the bed calmly.
We crawl under the covers, cuddling up against one another for extra warmth and relief, falling asleep.

It was only a few hours later until the sun finally rose up. Anakin was going to speak with the Palpatine, while he instructed me to stay with Padme until he returned.

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