Chapter Two

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*Three years ago*

    I ran, wanting to get away from Anakin and just everyone in general. All the way to my room, slamming the door, practically in Anakin’s face, for he wasn't much further behind me. His heavy footsteps pounded the marbled flooring beneath us in the halls, letting, just about, all of the staff know where he currently was. Quickly, i made my way across my current room,a hasty pace toward the balcony.

    Exhausted, i found myself leaning, greedily against the railing when i finally made it outdoors. Facing toward the beautiful landscape that lay ahead, i sucked in a much needed breath of relief, glad to have finally been able to escape, for now.

     All the green plants, the gorgeous wildlife that lay out there, below the palace, not only was it different from Tython, it was most beautiful. It’s been far too long since my last encounter with this much plant life, that i’ve forgotten what it feels like. But i remember now, or at least i think i do, it’s just so, refreshing, so uplifting to be around so much peace. I’ve missed this.

      I was running from a life of lies at this point. Anakin want’s to take our relationship to the next level, he has proposed for a marriage. It was all so sudden. We'd only been on few official dates, sure we hung out many times and went on walks and sorts of other things. And I know we had a sort of fling years back, but that means nothing. It meant nothing, and i don't think he has seemed to have realized that.

I love Anakin, I realized that the night we fell asleep underneath the stars, but i know what the consequences for our love would become. if they ever find out, they wouldn't accept us. We would be expelled from the Jedi order, set as an example and i cannot risk the humiliation. Obi Wan and Yoda would be so disappointed in me for toying with the chosen one.  I will not downgrade on my cousin’s pride. He’d be so crestfallen, all of his hard work to train Anakin, to train and love me, it would all go to waste. And that isn't fair. Not to Obi, not to Anakin or any of the other Jedi. Because that will be on me, and i never mess up. I won't start now.

    The sound of a slamming door from behind, with heavy footsteps crossing my floor at an almost calm pace, sends a shiver of nervousness, down my spine. I squeezed my eye’s shut, sucked in a deep breath, readying myself for whatever may come next. "We do not have to right now, Nico. We could wait, until the war is over." I grit my teeth together at the sound of his soft and patient voice, desperately willing myself to keep still. To not turn around, because if i do, it will only go downhill. I might give in at the sight of those breathtaking blueberry eyes.

    “You do not have to give me an answer now, i know it is very soon for that sort of thing for us. Just-please.” He attempts to persuade, inching closer, but keeping a respectful distance.

"No.” i firmly say, staring down at my pale hands that grip the cold marbled railing. “We would be lying to the republic Ani…..I can not do that.” i can't, i do not want to because that way, i would be lying to Obi.
  "All I know is that, i want to marry you Nico, I don't care about the consequences, they cannot stop the way of feel for you." He says, pouring his heart out to me, like i’d keep it from hitting the dirty ground.
   "Stop! Just stop telling me these things Anakin!" I shout aggravatingly. "You keep pushing your way into my life when I don't want you there!" I lie. "Just give up are only wasting your time" I whine,sad for him and all of his perfect words and sweet actions.

I do not deserve it. I do not deserve him or anything related to love. It just isn't for me, never has been, never will be.

    I stand on the balcony in Naboo, the bright sky had fallen with the night awakening. Its alluring stars spread out through the galaxies all around us, shining awfully bright tonight.
  Obi Wan and Yoda had sent Anakin, Padme and me here. For he thought it would be safer that Pamde be on her home planet with the bounty hunter running around. Which, his judgement wasn’t in the slightest bit wrong, there has been no sign of any crucial enemies in the time being on this lovely planet.

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