Emotions On High

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After awhile the gang started exited the factory and headed back to the academy.

Yumi was the first to speak " Do you think she's ok" everybody stopped walking, Odd spoke with a saddened voice " For the first time I don't think I can crack a joke."

Aelita spoke next " Maybe I should try talking to her again" " I think you've done enough" Ulrich said " What's that suppose to mean!" she yelled.

Ulrich was about to say something back but Jeremie walked in the middle of it " Both of you stop right this instant" he demanded.

Jeremie put his hands on both their shoulders " A lot just happened and our emotions are high strung right now, let's just get some rest and see Mikayla tomorrow when we can handle it" he said.

Yumi nodded " Jeremie is right, the one who is hurting the most is Mikayla right now and we need to be there for her, so I'll see you all tomorrow" she said and left.

Ulrich brushed Jeremie's hand off his shoulder and left without saying another word but still had anger on his face.

Odd followed Ulrich but stopped at Aelita and whispered " I'm pretty sure Ulrich didn't mean to hurt you, he cares for Mikayla as much as you do so give him some slack" he looked at Aelita and she just nodded then Odd caught up with Ulrich.

Jeremie took his hand off Aelita's shoulder " You ok" he asked, it was answered by sniffles and tears. Jeremie just hugged her " Come on, let's take you back to your dorm."

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