To Kadic Academy My Friends!!!

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" Ok ready for bed" Mikayla said and once she got into her sleeping bag, which the gang left for her, she went right to sleep. Let's just say it was a long day for her and she had a lot of stuff on her mind but she'll worry about it when it comes around.

( In the morning)

Mikayla woke up and yawned, she started to get up and get dressed but then she realized something, she looked around " So it wasn't a dream after all" Mikayla thought. She put on a white t-shirt and jeans that were loose at the bottom. She put on a forest green hoodie that was loose at the sleeves and she tied on her sneakers which were white with a little blue on the side. She also put on a bracelet with cute charms on them. She started to head out of the factory as soon she put up her hair in a low ponytail.

( Outside the factory)

As Mikayla was heading out she saw the gang and Odd waved to her " Hey Mikayla over here" He shouted. Mikayla ran over to the gang " Morning" she greeted and they all walked to the principal's office.

As they were getting on campus they saw a girl with long black hair with a pink hairband, a pink belly t-shirt with a yellow heart on it, and pink pants with a skirt. Behind her was two guys one with blonde hair and one with glasses and acne. " Hello Ulrich dear" Sissi greeted " What do you want now Sissi" Ulrich asked in an annoying voice " I just want to say hi to you Ulrich." Then Sissi looked at Mikayla " Who's this" she asked " Hi my name is Mikayla" Mikayla answered " I'm Sissi" Sissi said " Careful Mikayla if you get close to her you'll catch a disease" Odd said " Yeah a disease of being delusional" Ulrich added. " Oh come on guys be mature" Mikayla said and everyone was shocked but Mikayla started laughing " You got us" Odd said " You guys must be delusional if you thought I was serious" Mikayla said while in between laughs which made everyone laugh harder. Sissi was mad and walked away and the two boys followed " Ok lets go to the principal's office to let them know you're here" Yumi said.

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