Regular Day at School

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They went to the principal office and he said " Welcome to our school Miss Young I'm Principal Delmas, where are you from" Mikayla answered " I'm from Florida" everyone was shocked." Well you sure know French quite well" he said " Thank you it's second nature for me" Mikayla said." Your from America" Yumi whispered " Yeah, let's just say I'm pretty good in my language classes" Mikayla whispered back." Then Principal Delmas cleared his throat to get there attention " Jim here will show you around" a guy in sweats came in " Hello I'm Jim." Then Mikayla walked out with Jim.

(Few minutes later)

"Breakfast starts at 8:00 a.m. and dinner starts at 8:00 p.m." Jim said while showing Mikayla her dorm " Welcome to our school Young" " Thanks Jim" Mikayla said. Then the gang came in "Awesome I got my room" Mikayla said " Yeah let's hurry because class is about to start" Aelita said. They all went to class except Yumi who went to another classroom.

" Class we have a new student" Ms.Hebert said then Mikayla walked in " Tell us your name" Ms.Hebert asked " Nice to meet you all, my name is Mikayla Young" Mikayla said." Well it's good to meet you too Mikayla there is an open seat near the window behind Aelita and in front of Odd". Mikayla goes to her seat and class began, after awhile someone tapped her shoulder and she turned around " Having fun yet at your new school" Odd whispered, Mikayla just put up her pointer finger and whispered " Whoop dee do."

Odd smiled and laughed a little " I like to see what's so funny Odd, maybe you figured out this equation" Mrs.Herbert asked sarcastically. Odd had no idea but luckily Mikayla figured it out and wrote it on a piece of paper and passed it very carefully onto Odd's desk so she wouldn't get caught. Odd saw it and answered " That's correct" Mrs.Herbert said shocked, Odd looked at Mikayla and whispered " If this is boring for you then I like to see what's fun for you" " This is where your suppose to say thank you" Mikayla whispered and then they both giggled.

After a few more classes it was time for gym " Hello class today I'm going to show you how to do a pole jump over a high bar" Jim said. Jim demonstrated but failed and fell on his back " Hey Jim you ok there" Mikayla asked trying to hold back a laugh but Jim noticed " Young you can go first since you think it's so easy." Mikayla sighed and got a pole and then started running with full force and stick the pole to the ground and flung herself over and did a flip before she stick the landing. Everyone just stared," Nice job Young anyone else want to try" Jim asked knowing that they have no choice.

" That was amazing how did you do that" Aelita asked " To tell you the truth sometimes I don't know what I did" Mikayla answered " Geez, your something Mikayla" Ulrich said " Ok first I'm amazing now I'm something, I could get use to this school" Mikayla said smiling. After gym lunch came " Finally lunch I'm starving" Odd said then he ran to the lunch hall while the rest of the gang was behind him. They all entered and waited in line for lunch then when they got their lunch they sat down at the table. Yumi joined up with the group and then Sissi came over " Well well well, aren't we the talented one" Sissi said " If I'm not mistaken I think I'm the talented one" Mikayla said the gang laughed a little." What do you want Sissi" Ulrich asked " I just want to let the loser know that I'm in charge of this school" Sissi answered " You mean I just have to be a rude bitch to everyone I meet" Mikayla asked trying to irritate Sissi " Shut up" Sissi yelled " Great comeback" Mikayla said then Sissi left annoyed as ever. The gang laughed " Nice job you showed her" Ulrich said " Thanks" Mikayla said starting to laugh as well " I think you fit quite well in our group Mikayla" Aelita said " I think so too" Yumi agreed, they all nodded their heads knowing that they will have new adventures waiting for them in the future. Mikayla was happy as well and she hopes to have new adventures with her friends too.

(Hello fellow readers, hope you like the story so far because there is still more to be read, later)

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