True Feelings

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Aelita and a Mikayla walked through the classroom where Jeremie, Ulrich, and Odd were. Yumi was in her classroom already so it was just the five of them.

"Glad to see the two princesses have made up, now the world can rotate once again" Odd said. "I didn't know the world stop just for us" Mikayla exclaimed "Why of course milady, because a world with two fair maidens fighting shouldn't even exist" Odd proclaimed.

Ulrich just thumped him in the back of the head "Knock it off Odd" he said "Why you don't like that I'm complimenting your gir-" Ulrich covered Odd's mouth before he could finish. Jeremie, Aelita, and Odd laughed while Mikayla was just confused and Ulrich was a tomato head.

"Um did I miss something?" Mikayla asked "Nope nothing at all, Aelita can I talk to you in private" "Oh uh, sure" then Aelita and Ulrich went out into the hallway.

Ulrich turned to Aelita "Aelita...I'm sorry I got mad at you" "There's no need to apologize, I know that you care for Mikayla" Aelita said.

"Really?! th-" "But I do have one favor" Aelita interrupted "Ok what's that?" Ulrich asked "Treat her right and don't hurt her, I am her big sister after all and I have to make sure she goes out with the right guy" Aelita exclaimed.

Once again Ulrich turns red, he just nodded since he couldn't find the words to say. "Good boy" Aelita patted his head like a dog. Back in the classroom, Odd went to interrogate Mikayla.

"So Mikayla, what happened with you and Ulrich last night?" he asked "What do you mean?" she questioned."Ulrich was smiling like a doofus when he came back to our dorm" Odd said and Mikayla shrugged "I don't know, I'm not a mind reader."

Odd smirked "You sure...not even a goodnight kiss" "You know about that?" Mikayla asked "Now he does" Jeremie answered, eavesdropping on the conversation.

Mikayla pouted while Odd laughed "I'm sorry but that was just to easy" "Shut up" Mikayla said.

Odd stopped laughing after awhile "So you like Ulrich I'm guessing?" Odd asked even though he knew the answer "I'm not sure, I never really liked someone more than a friend."

Odd smiled and wrapped an arm around Mikayla's shoulder "Aw your first crush" Mikayla just blushed. "Why am I telling you this anyway?" Mikayla asked "Because I know when I see a relationship blooming, and I want you and Ulrich to be happy" Odd answered.

"You're definitely weird" "Well I am named Odd" Odd joked then whispered to Mikayla "Plus I've been trying to get Aelita and Jeremie to go out so this is a nice change of pace."

Mikayla smirked "Oh I am so helping you with that" Odd nodded and they both had a handshake of partnership. After that conversation, Aelita and Ulrich came back into the classroom and the period began.

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