No Shame

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Ulrich walk to Mikayla's room and when he got there he heard noise from the other side of the door.

He listened closely and he heard crying but it was so hard to hear. He took a deep breath in and let it out then knock on her door quietly.

" Who's there" Mikayla whispered " It's Ulrich" he said, she opened the door and he could tell that she's been crying for a awhile.

She put on a smile but it didn't meet her eyes. Ulrich entered her room " Do you need something?" Mikayla asked.

" No I was making sure that...uh" Ulrich said but got distracted by Mikayla's pajamas.

He couldn't stop looking at her, his heart skip a beat and he was blushing. " Earth to Ulrich" she said waving her hand in front of his face.

Ulrich snapped out of it blushing " S-Sorry I just never seen your hair down, it's really pretty" he said but realized what he said and then he apologized.

" Wow that was a weird thing to say" He kept rambling on and on until he was interrupted by a laugh. He looked up and saw that it was Mikayla, " What's so funny?" He asked frowning a bit " You" she answered.

" Hey, that's not nice" he said, she looked up to him and stopped " Sorry, I thought it was cute of how embarrassed you can get" she said.

" Ha ha ha so funny, I take back what I said before" he said with crossed arms and closed eyes trying not to smile.

" Aww, Ulrich I didn't mean it don't be mad at me" she said tugging his arm. He couldn't help himself and started to laugh and Mikayla joined after awhile.

Ulrich looked at her, " Glad I can make you laugh a bit" he said but then she stopped and the cheery atmosphere turned cold and without looking into his eyes Mikayla said " So that's what you're here for" " What?" Ulrich asked.

She looked up to him anger with a little sadness in her eyes, she walks up to him " Leave" she whispers.

" Wait, what did I do?" he asked, she looked down again " I don't need your pity" she said.

" Hold on, I wasn't go.." Ulrich protested but stopped " Maybe it looks like it but I just wanted to know if you were ok, and what's wrong with that!?" he asked.

He put his hands on her shoulders " Mikayla" he said softly " I heard you crying, you can't hide it from me" he continued.

Then he saw tears strolling down her face, Mikayla covered her face and Ulrich felt her shaking and pulled her into a hug.

She cried into his chest and they both sat on her bed. They were like that for awhile until she stopped crying " Sorry, I didn't mean to break down like that" she apologized, Ulrich shook his head " Don't worry about it" he said.

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