Grassland Sector

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They both drive on the pathway, it was quiet but it wasn't awkward. You see the time that Mikayla and Ulrich spent together they sort of know what the other person is thinking, plus they just enjoy each other's company.

"You seeing anything yet Jeremie?" Ulrich asked "Nothing yet....keep going" they obeyed and kept going on the straight path.

Minutes passed by and they are still riding on the path "We should of seen the others by now" Mikayla exclaimed "Hey Jeremie how much longer?" Ulrich asked but there was no answer. "Strange" Mikayla said and as soon as she spoke, the ground below them disappeared but they were still riding.

"Uhhh..." they both said "Jeremie are you there?!?!" Mikayla yelled/asked but there was still no answer.

"This isn't normal" Ulrich said "When is anything normal?" Mikayla said "Ok ok but what I really meant was how we are riding on nothing" Mikayla nodded agreeing with Ulrich. Shortly after a scene appeared, it was a field of grass.

 "A grassland? I haven't seen one of these since Florida" Ulrich stopped the Overbike and looked at Mikayla "Could this be a new sector?" Ulrich asked

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"A grassland? I haven't seen one of these since Florida" Ulrich stopped the Overbike and looked at Mikayla "Could this be a new sector?" Ulrich asked.

"How could that be, it seems different then the other sectors" she exclaimed and they both got off the bike looking around. "It's peaceful" Mikayla said and Ulrich nodded "Almost like it's not part of Lyoko at all" "Yeah the only way we can tell is how we look" Mikayla looked at Ulrich seeing that he looked the same in his samurai outfit.

They kept looking around and Mikayla saw something in the distance "Hey you see that?" "Yeah" he answered "Lets go check it out!" she said and they drove closer to it.

Turns out it was a tower but this glowed orange "Hm?" Mikayla was going to enter the tower but Ulrich grabbed her wrist. "Hey! Don't go in without me" Mikayla's heart skipped a beat blushing red from the way Ulrich was holding her wrist and his voice showing his protective side.

"O-Ok" she said not meaning to stutter and they both enter the tower while Ulrich was holding Mikayla's hand.

The inside of the tower looked he same and Mikayla started walking on the platform letting go of Ulrich's hand.

The platform lit up and she got lifted to the upper platform just like she would in the other towers. A screen appeared in front of her and once she saw what was on there it shocked her.

Ulrich went on to the platform she was on and stood next to her "What's wrong?" there was silence. "Mik-" "Ulrich it's US!" Mikayla interrupted him "What do you mean?" he looked at the screen and he saw his Lyoko form along with a picture of him on Earth.

Hey readers glad you kept this story even with my slow updating; I would love to hear why you like this so much and give me tips to improve. See you next time and I hope you like the new sector; it's going to be fun!!!!

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