Getting Date Ready

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Mikayla was sitting on her bed shaking her leg glancing at her alarm clock every now and then.

Suddenly the door knocked and she immediately got up going to the door. She opened it and on the other side of that door was Aelita and Yumi.

"Thank god!!! I almost started to freak out" Mikayla exclaimed then she walks back over to her bed and sits.

Aelita walks over and kneels down "I would never leave my sister to fend for herself on her first date" Mikayla just blushed and covered her face.

"So it's really happening huh? You and Ulrich? Ulrich and you? Together?" Yumi said feeling a slight ache in her chest when she said that though hid it quite well.

Mikayla fiddled with her fingers "I mean it's our first date and I don't know what's going to happen, like what if I say something stupid or I don't laugh at his jokes or he finds my eating obnoxious" she rambled.

" really like him don't you?" Yumi asked sitting next to her as Aelita was took out the clothes she brought over for Mikayla.

Mikayla looked down at her hands as she stops fiddling her fingers "I mean....after all the things I've been's just all so confusing but...." she smiles slightly with a blush forming on her cheeks "My feelings for Ulrich and just being with him is the only thing that has made sense to know" Mikayla looks over towards Yumi.

Before Yumi could answer Aelita grabbed Mikayla's hand and pulled her over "Here are the outfits that I thought would look best on you" "Gosh Lita thanks....but why in the world do you wear so much pink" Mikayla sighed considering half the outfits Aelita brought were pink.

"Hey Mik, I think I might have something back at home for you to wear if you want" Yumi suggested standing up "Really??? Thanks so much Yumi" Mikayla squealed "In the mean time I'll help you do your makeup and hair" Aelita took out some stuff "I'll be back before you know it" Yumi said walking out of the dorm and into the hall.

As Yumi walked out of the dormitory she was stopped by the last person she wanted to see "So you're helping your rival get with Ulrich?" a squeaky annoying voice asked. Yumi sighed turning around to face Sissi "What do you want Sissi?" Sissi glared "You know exactly what I want, I want that two faced bitch away from my Ulrich" Yumi rolled her eyes.

"You know Sissi are you sure you're describing the right person because that sounds a lot like you" Yumi starts to walk away but was stopped again "Do you really want to let go of Ulrich like this?" Sissi shouts and slowly walks towards Yumi

"I know for a fact that you love Ulrich, and Ulrich loved you but you both never confronted your feelings and now your losing him to a new girl who's only known him for a couple of weeks" Sissi said each word as she gets more and more irritated.

"He's allowed to date Sissi, and I happen to like Mikayla" Yumi says facing towards her "Yeah I know that but at least I'm giving her a hard time! For someone who has a crush on him and could of clearly gone out with him you're giving up so easily!!!" Sissi yelled

"Maybe because I'm not some little princess who should get everything she wants" Yumi yelled back

"Yeah! Well you know what Yumi....I know deep down you're going to regret never got your feelings off your chest....and if you don't do it now then it'll be too late because after they become a couple you can't go up to Ulrich and confess. Then you'll be the selfish little princess who's trying to ruin your friend's relationship" Yumi was speechless which made Sissi smirk and she walked past Yumi bumping her shoulder.

"At least I won't have to worry about it because like you said....I am a princess" she flips her hair laughing as she walks away.

Yumi just stood their for a long time until she heard her phone buzz, she took out her phone and sees she got a text. She opened and sees it was from Mikayla

'Thank you sooooo much again, I owe you! How about next time we are able to go out of campus we head to the ice cream parlor around the corner! My treat!'

Yumi texted back

'Sounds like a plan'

She smiled and starts to walk to her house to do her task. She kept thinking back to what Sissi said to her "I can't....I just can't do that...." Yumi kept saying this to herself over and over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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